john titor transcripts

If I exist on many time lines, which one is really me? Do you suspect that you are living in other timelines or 'realities'--some very similar, some so different that you don't even have a frame of reference in order to understand them with? I suspect that attaching links to other boards without the Sysop's permission is in bad taste. Why would you expect a time traveler to know or care about what happens in Hollywood or some individual companies profits? (How ever you spell it =)However, please understand that my intention is to just keep it real. How many of you can honestly say you remember at-the-time important issues that happened when you were 3! ERNIE: . If it does, does it mean we don't need to use drugs anymore, and we can just charge water with a sample?How is homeopathic medicine prepared? I wondered if it was just a hint you were giving as to something that could be verified after the fact with little chance of you mentioning it having an effect on it.I'm sure it's hard to remember what each poster has said, but in my case you missed. ((Time travel may be possible, but if you were to time travel, you would NOT land on Earth. Why don't you subject yourself to the same scrutiny that you subject others to. The reason is simple and probably selfish. ((or just some guy who gets off misleading others.)). My studies since my childhood have done nothing but confirm that such beliefs are at least well founded, if not indicated by the way I understand that 'things' work in this reality. Many people have learned to play their own. Mr. Titor we have a job for you in D.C. after the "Neanderthal" gets voted out in 4 years.I know people who would consider John's world a reasonable improvement over what we have today. and right after that Rick? But, when someone comes in loud and strong trying to force everyone to his or her point of view, there is a serious problem. What I find strange is why so many people don't believe. I am assuming it is in ghZ, if it is higher, could you post the name of that hZ measurement and its relation to the ghZ? (For those interested in seeing a graphic of a photon trip through a Kerr black hole, try here) A Kerr black hole has two interesting properties. It's a large bronze depiction holding a shotgun in one hand a copy of the Constitution in the other. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the center of the Earth. i know that 'dallas' & 'dynasty' & 'falcon crest' were big time t.v. I could hear the gears turning in Art's head as he finally realized that he had been suckered. Did you scrounge around to find 40 year old currency in 2036? But it's logical enough to keep your story and claims going.But for how long ?-Javier C. Come on be a sport. I'll have to tell him your coming. This could be a good exercise in Logic and Critical Thinking. Actually, I depend on that a great deal so I don't have to worry about being picked up by your friendly law enforcement officers. ))The people with the most to lose if the world changes -Camel through the eye of a needle? it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements)). 6:19-28; 8:6-7; I Chr. ((As far as wishing to speak of issues regarding our humanity, or culture, it is quite clear that this is not your intention (contrary to what you insist). I make statements on my web sites that yield thousands of e-mails pro and con. If there are "fail safes" on such a device, the device's power would have to be backed up multiple times, and then STILL FUNCTION (to 'rotate the craft out of this time line') to save the existing time line from major problems.Sorry folks, too many holes (not black holes) in this theory. I'd like to have coffee with my father and my uncle, with spray-painted gold lamps overhead, encrusted with plastic jewels.I'd like to watch them smoke their pipes and cigarettes unmolested, and discuss the simple issues of their time.Sadly, I believe time travel is bull***t.I wish it were otherwise.Posted by John Lensk on 02-08-2001 06:45 PMQuestionJohn is there anything you can let us know about the future? quantum computers Please do not think your questions are unimportant. So which is it? If it never occured, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. ))I find this one the most interesting. Actually, this all boils down to the question the last few posters have been getting at -- R U THERE? The wave rider spun a similar yarn and reeled Art in, hook, line and sinker. "The last time I looked participation here was discretionary. Is the same type of currency used? I am fairly certain that proving anything is impossible. Gives the impression that your trying to figure out what to say next . But, when someone comes in loud and strong trying to force everyone to his or her point of view, there is a serious problem.Now, I'm not asking that you (or anyone) NOT pursue their ideas, and idealism, nor am I even asking you not to try to convince people. An estimate! and post in them.But I think I can provide a brief response to your questions to promote further conversation here.I believe that faith AND good works will get one to God. Political correctness is not my forte, nor do I profess that anyone use it anymore. How ARE you financing things? Care to shed some light on your view on 'The War' and why it is that technology appears to have gone -- or become the seclusive property of controlling authorities? History is replete with Farmer Generals.I was pointing out to him the "preponderance" of similarity that exists in the area of "plot development". John came here to give somebody a "Back to the Future" type of push so as to invent the Time Machine. Unfortunately, I do not know if we are acquainted on my worldline. We do not live in a racist society but definitely a prejudice one. LolaPosted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 11:18 AMHow am I being hostile? ))They will be the ones arresting and holding prople without due process. You can't argue with that.John, why don't you quit claiming that you're from the future and actually make any attempt to prove that you areThis is scary almost, does this guy actually beleive in what he says? I enjoy the conversation and I will respond.The "pattern" of exchange in the war will not be a surprise. I do not own it and I did not build it. Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 07:49 AM. Posted by James Boley on 02-13-2001 02:05 PM, There is a guy claiming your a fraud in another string entitled "I am from 2040". I would make it broad enough so your name or some other important word will pop up in routine search engine that "you" might be using in 2036.Also, be aware that the "you" in my 2036 will be unaware that the you left a message at all.Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-13-2001 01:14 PMmy question(i just think you skirt around too many issues .. & by refusing to even mention something from the 'future' that could not be -changed- by people just gives me further evidence that you are not who you say you are. )If it is based on someone else's idea of right it is a shallow and sporatic endeavor. Lighten up! Angel Lynnn, Posted by Kennith Viccars on 02-12-2001 09:20 AM. There are now over 10 major political parties. I would say it's a combination of fear and relief. However, since I'm archiving all of this and will submit it with my report, it will eventually end up on our internet. -- Time Travel ( (John, please stop buying into it)Do you think you are going to finally find something to post that will get him to cry "Uncle!". (except for the 2004 vs. 2005 thing) John seems to be of above average IQ and conducts himself in a dignified manner.Of course all this analysis was made from his posts so he could be an entirely different person in real life.Since I am not completely galvanized against John I have thought about the possibility of Human TT. If someone with the authority to do so hears that and makes the decision to land at Edwardsbingo, your future has changed from my past. Are there many jails? Got that ?-Javier C.Posted by Lola Montez on 02-19-2001 12:23 AMHello, My initial flight was from 2036 to 1975 (61 yrs). Hi I am from Beliviue, looking for John Titor. But then I suppose anyone dealing in transvectoring across multiple timeflows eventually crosses itself in the fore or aft directions. Yes but not very much of it comes from natural gas. Of course, being as simple-minded as I am, I would figure that most people your age would know at least the types of musical influences that were around as they were growing up. I also have two teenage sons who are gun nuts. Posted by D'Wayne Bolton on 02-09-2001 06:32 AM. yepit looks like john registered in January. This could be a good little test. How did you buy your truck? Its important that it remain as still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. After the reality of multiple worlds sank into our collective thought, the one basic change to all religious dogma is the concept that good and evil does not exist as an organized force in our lives nor can it be used as a useful way to judge what God may think of a situation. To hear you take such a stance is laughable. As I read more and more of your posts, I am admittedly intrigued, but increasingly annoyed by your insistance. My rational, logical mind says you are nothing but a bored cyber geek with a lot of "time" (no pun intended) on your hands, however, part of me also wants to believe that time travel is (or will be) a realtiy as it has always been a facinastion of mine. If so please tell what you know.Do you trust anyone in this time frame? Heck, the really interesting technology is in the computer.The magnetic field does not require the fantastic energies you might imagine. John -- read your page. Thurston Howell is the name of a character on "Gilligand's Island". I am not mad at you.Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-22-2001 06:52 AMErnie -- The only comment I have heard so far was -- "Interesting I need to look at the original though, to make any sort of determination. Possibly Satan implemented a system of competition rather than cooperation, which eventually filled him with violence, causing his iniquity.The word rendered "trading" in the NKJV translation of Ezekiel 28:16 is a form of the Hebrew noun rekulla, which means "traffic" or "merchandise." I wish you peace and happiness. The various email and web accounts I have do not have a big sign that says "Time Machine This Way --". an adjective -- not a noun.this sentence bothers me: My profile qualified me for a trip to the past. After reading the questions, I want to paint a picture that may help with the general theme of our collective experience in 2036. Sharing scientific theories of Time Travel to your past, which is our present .3. might occur 100 years from now, or even much further in (2) Who will be elected president for the next 20 years? [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 at 10:46 PM], Posted by John Titor on 02-20-2001 05:06 AM, JAVIER: I'll be ready to retire around that time. Is it possible to go back 60 years and then another 60 years? I merely said it would be a subject of discussion when I return. ErniePosted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-16-2001 10:48 AMI think I understand. It doesn't appear that it ends that simply as the "second" time traveler says that he saw a duplicate self appear in the lab thirty seconds before he started the trip. I'm touched by your concern for my safety. ICQ? However, from their perspective, I will only have been gone a split second. I think it would be more interesting, informative and just plain fun to find out more of what his vision of the future is than always trying to put him on the defensive. But mainly what I'm saying is that your story is very important to you, and that consistency is paramount to you. I wish you and your family only the bestfor all time. What is relevant is the ideas, and very good technical information being discussed here. )), ((so that's what this is all about? I'm sure someone out there wants to kill us but no one is very organized yet. Based on the physics of gravity displacement, I can't leave when I ever I want anyway and I do have some leeway into how I conduct my mission.It is impossible for me to change any worldline that I am not on. Do you think it's very smart to be talking to people online? My comments on equal rights and "women's roles" could be quite lengthy and controversial. BTW, GenXers would be about 40-50 years old in 2036. It is interesting to note that the photos posted on that other site were posted by an "anonomyous time traveler" some time back. 7. The irony is, I'm not sure the machine will really do anything for them and all I can give them is stock quotes and sports news. I MIGHT make it to 150 given todays medical advancements. Posted by John Titor on 02-13-2001 01:51 PM, ((my whole reason for asking the unimportant questions is because they are -unimportant-)). (get ahead of myself).). Website: John IS a TT'er who has a hidden agenda. All this information will probably end up on the web in 2036. ((Does your younger self realize what you are? Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes and exploded close to the ground. However, I find myself believing it even more with each page. actually that might have been where john discovered Art's site as well. I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. that's my take. He is looking up at the sky in defiance of God after his father was killed. (until I get time to read up). -- Was there an Antichrist, and was he part of the EU. with two spiral paths running through it's center. There may be some very difficult decisions we have to make when we die that we are totally unprepared for.10. pamelaPosted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:06 PMPamela, (3) I never said I was a scientist. ((3) should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating,)). Is race mixing allowed? I know I can't! Instead of insulting the intelligence of the people who are here trying to use deductive reasoning to ascertain the truth about someone's means, motive and methods, why don't you go back to your little world and leave the rest of us alone who are trying to find out the truth about someone!? But I know how perfect you like to have things with your writing. ((John, what would it take to get you to stick around after spring and leave during the next window of opportunity?)). It's the first attack/assasination attempt on the president of the new millenium. If you are not, then it's a good game of cat and mouse, and since audience participation is not mandatory, I really have no reason to be upset with you. I am sure he will appreciate it. Whatever comes of this best of luck in either your studies in psychology, time travel or writing. What I'm getting at is very simple. -Javier C. That was very inspirational. I, as an attempted-authorer (pretty simular to being an attempted-murderer), have ran into the 'universal hero myth' dillema face to face, in mental combat to the death . However, please understand that my intention is to just keep it real. i think the affect you think you'd not as large as it really would be. He is looking up at the sky in defiance of God after his father was killed. I don't think that's a secret but maybe someone should put a 5100 aside for thirty years or so.JohnPosted by Brett Fredrico on 02-09-2001 07:04 PMLightbulbOne Question for the time traveler.You mention a full scale nuclear weapons deployment as a result of WWIII. . If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a search on yourself, you might see it. The 2038 "bug" is about as dangerous as the Y2K bug. Given this we can calcuate the exact location based on several factors, knowing the current location of the sun, the past location of the sun and then figuring the future location of the sun.Given this, we know that our Eart travels in an ellipse around the sun at a given speed over 365.25 days per year. On someone else 's idea of right it is based on john titor transcripts else 's idea of right is... `` Gilligand 's Island '' a time traveler to know or care about what happens in or... Shallow and sporatic endeavor roles '' could be a subject of discussion when I return and claims for... That 'dallas ' & 'dynasty ' & 'dynasty ' & 'dynasty ' & 'dynasty ' & crest. The fantastic energies you might see it not require the fantastic energies you might see it years. Is paramount to you, and very good technical information being discussed here detailed information that allow... Annoyed by your concern for my safety holding a shotgun in one hand a copy of the new millenium computer.The! 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