why take strontium on empty stomach

We have a printable information sheet summarizing our products & the human clinical studies if you would like to share it with your doctor here. The PubMed research indicates just the opposite is true. How old are you? The likelihood of HCl insufficiency, which can also cause nausea, increases with age, and also occurs due to the use of acid-blocking drugs or overgrowth of a bacterium called H. pylori, which is surprisingly common. Again, thanks for all your prompt responses and your amazing insight! I learned so much! DXA (they are now using the acronym DXA instead of DEXA) scans should be run once yearly it takes time for bone to rebuild, so running this scan sooner will not provide good information for you. Stay gloriously well, Lara. My question is in regards to the safety of taking Strontium with a GFR of 63 (tested 3 weeks ago). On the other hand, Strontium ranelate comes with unwanted risks and side effects and has not been approved for use in the United States. You can use this list to estimate how much calcium your diet is typically supplying each day, then subtract this amount from 1,200mg and take the remainder in the form of a calcium supplement. I did return your call did you get the message I left for you? I hope this answers your question and inspires you to try AlgaeCal, which significantly improved my bone density in only 10 months, so I can vouch for it personally, and this is why I am doing what I can to help get the word out about AlgaeCal. I am Canadian and the BMD test shows lumbar spine T-score of -2.8 and Femoral neck T-score of 1.8 I took Calcitonin Nasal spray for two years and apparently my bone loss has continuednow I have stopped Calcitonin altogether and I am looking for something else. Are you able to eat omega-3 rich fish like wild caught salmon or would you consider taking a DHA/EPA supplement? I agree with you that long-term use of strontium citrate at the full dosage may not be optimal, and why risk it? Metabolism 2002;51:906 11. 2X better mineralization of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate Just started taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost (separately as instructed). My apologies, but I dont have time right now to repeat the full discussion, but it and all the references can be found on AlgaeCals blog. Hi Peter, Hi Barbara delighted you are getting well informed and taking the best care of your bones (and all the rest of you if you are eating the healthy diet and following the exercise recommendations in Your Bones). Many cellular processes do not happen effectively in an acidic environment, and furthermore, an acidic pH (called metabolic acidosis) over activates osteoclasts and promotes bone loss. With my steroid issues, do you think the strontium is my best hope. Adults above 70 years: 20 micrograms (800 IU) You can always try taking strontium again after a months break to see if your symptoms recur.. Medicines are intended to help us live longer and healthier, but taking medicines the wrong way or mixing certain drugs and supplements can be dangerous. I am just now going back over all the research on strontium and will be posting a full article on all this in the very near future. Find out today why so many people trust us to provide their Classroom Furniture, Canteen Furniture, Conference Room Chairs, Contract Furniture, Office Furniture, Office Desks, Office Chairs, Reception Chairs, Exam Desks, Postura Chairs, School Furniture, Titan One Piece Chairs, Cafe Chairs, Whiteboards and more.. Place an order with us today and have your furniture delivered directly to your door. Ranelic acid is a synthetic chemical that belongs to the same family of toxins as benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Heres a quote on this from the above cited Dahl et al., paper: The main biological determinant of bone mineralization is the rate of turnover The skeletal repartition of strontium is related to the relative cortical and cancellous proportions of the bone, because bone turnover is higher in cancellous than in cortical bone, and newly formed bone is more abundant in cancellous than in cortical bone. Natural strontium salts (strontium citrate) are safe when consumed in the correct dose and with the proper amount of calcium. Do you have any information regarding this product? Bottom Line for best absorption, take strontium separately from other minerals. I love to exercise, have been addicted to barre classes for the last year and a half, and push my body quite hard, taking one class every day and two back-to-back classes on the weekends. So delighted you have been helped by the information in Your Bones! Thanks Lara. As I mentioned I would, I sent a note to AlgaeCal staff to double check, and they have confirmed that my initial thoughts were correct. Take a half-hour walk (at least some of it up hill or walking up stairs), go dancing, lift weights and do squats. Put another way, using our 3rd study data in which the women saw an average annual increase of 1.04% (so 3.12% over 3 years). (We also do not eat meats, just fish, so its a turkey free zone around here as well, but I will fix LOTS of other things tomorrow morning as well a Brussels sprouts souffle that no one believes contains Brussels sprouts :-), fresh cranberry salad, green beans and potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes and yams. Its usually a Friday or Saturday night treat for him. Marie PJ, Ammann P, Boivin G, et al. Yogurt is a great option here if dairy products agree with you, look for whole milk, organic yogurt from pastured cows, which will also provide vitamin K2 as well as calcium for you. A member of the American Medical Writers Association for more than 25 years, Lara publishes and reviews articles covering breaking research on bone health in Integrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal. We are, each of us, special, unique and irreplacable. I had been building bone for several years; improvement was consistent but slow. I just want to give an enormous thumbs up for the great info youve here on this post. But I do not know how the interstitial cortical bone and cancellous bone work in relationship to growing and becoming. muscle weakness or limp feeling; numbness or tingly feeling in your hands or feet, or around your mouth; severe stomach pain, ongoing diarrhea or vomiting; black, bloody, or tarry stools; or. I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. In addition, strontium may put more stress on the kidneys than other minerals because its larger size makes it difficult to reabsorb, so more is excreted. I suggest you ask your doctor to run a test to have your vitamin A levels checked, and if they are not well within the normal range, that you consider supplementing with an amount of vitamin A comparable to the amount of vitamin D3 you consume. Thanks again Linda, Hi Linda, Strontium ranelate improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture in intact female rats. One capsule gives us 118 mg of strontium and 220 mg of citrate. Thanks Mary. Thanks. as the basis for the exercise recommendations used brief (10-15 minute) periods of exercise, and these included several minutes for warming up and several for cooling down, so time spent at the high impact level was around 5 minutes per session. Cortical bone is their hard, outer layer. YOUR best solution is highly likely to be around 180 mcg of K2 as MK-7. A little daily high impact exercise by women in the mildly osteopenic range should be safe and may go a long way towards maintaining healthier bones. Does strontium citrate have a higher risk for blood clots and is it safe to take for someone who is over age 80? Moderate correlation (with r(2) > 0.56) was also found for the expression levels of transporters in the duodenum of human and rat, which provides the molecular mechanisms for the similarity and correlation of drug absorption between two species. In monkeys killed at the end of exposure (13 or 52 weeks), Sr was taken up in a dose-dependent manner into compact and cancellous bone, with a higher content in new bone than in old bone. Why is it challenging to predict intestinal drug absorption and oral bioavailability in human using rat model. What is the answer to Goutermans question? Recent studies have emphasized the . I take 1800 IU of Calcium daily (I will switch to Calcium Citrate since I have been taking the Calcium Carbonate chews and with meds for Acid Reflux I guess this was the wrong type of calcium for me) I also take Vit B12 250 mcg, Vitamin D 2200 IU and Omega 3 Fish oil 1000 mg. Shaine, Hi Shaine, If you have a copy of Your Bones, please read the sections on both calcium and magnesium. My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. For your 3rd question, in Lara Pizzornos book Healthy Bones, Healthy You, she advises that In humans, strontium elimination from the skeleton occurs in 2 phases: an initial rapid clearancewhere 50% will be eliminated within 41 days followed by a slower phase of elimination during which the remaining half is lost over the following 3 years. Even 1 capsule per day is going to be doing some good for your bones. Servier now had a patentable, exclusive strontium bone drug which was sold beginning in the early 2000s under the trade name ProtelosTM. The reasons for this are that failing kidneys lose their ability to: So, if you are on dialysis or have end stage of kidney failure, ask your doctor for advice on whether to proceed with strontium supplementation. Strontium decreases the rate at which our brain cells release glutamate. Well, I have to admit that I often forgot to take my strontium (and still often forget to take it as I try to take it at lunch time and am frequently working or out then) so it was the AlgaeCal Plus that made the difference for me. The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. This being said we must ALWAYS trust our own bodies when our personal results dont match up with the research no matter how august and respected the medical journals or how many studies have been published showing something that our own unique body is not agreeing with! AlgaeCal is USDA Certified Organic / Aquamin is not organic Bone resorption (medspeak for bone breakdown) tests measure the amount of certain bone proteins in the urine or blood (serum) that have been released from bone as a result of osteoclast activity. PMID: 22902986, Cornish J, Naot D. Lactoferrin as an effector molecule in the skeleton. Thanks for looking and for your input. Night-time (Anti Aging Protocol) The anti-aging protocol is comprised of ingesting 10 grams of elemental l-arginine only at bedtime on a totally empty stomach, which accesses the delta sleep cycle. All rights reserved, Bone Mineral Density Increase in Six Months with AlgaeCal, Strontium, AlgaeCal Results in Seven Straight Years of Increased Bone Density, Many people are increasing their intake of plant-bas, Decadent, Bone-Healthy Flourless Chocolate Cake, Velvety, dark, and indulgent, this dessert is a choc, Kidney & Bone Health The Detox Organ Your Bones Rely On, As we grow in years, its time to start paying more . Re wheat I have just wrapped up my review of Alessio Fassanos lecture on wheat/gluten-containing grains at the Institute for Functional Medicines 2013 symposium. I do Pilates daily myself and also lift weights and take a dance type aerobic class called Zumba a couple of times each week. [Breast Cancer Patient with Bone Metastases Who Was Able to Return Home without Using Opioids after Administration of Strontium-89 Chloride]. Please have another blood test run to check you vitamin D levels in another 2 months. I suggest you take double the usual dose of Triple Power (so 2 TBS instead of one) for 6 weeks, then you may be able to drop down to 1 TBS without experiencing a recurrence of your thumb joint pain. Although many people have never heard of it before, it's a very interesting and somewhat controversial supplement. I do have 2 graduate degrees one in Philosophy/Theolgy from Yale University and a second masters in English from University of Washington. We dont have it yet though. Yes, you can take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time. (Kinetics is the study of the rate at which chemical processes occur.) I have been taking strontium citrate for 10 years. I highly recommend it for you as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated! (2006 JBMR 21(9) 1417-24, Its also vitally important to recognize that, Strontium Boost: 2 capsules right before bed (on an empty stomach), Activate vitamin D (vitamin D is converted into its active, hormonal form in the kidneys which is the form in which vitamin D helps us absorb calcium from the digestive tract), Re-absorb calcium passing through the kidneys in the bloodstream instead of losing it in urine. This is because the two minerals compete for absorption, and calcium will win out, so you will get less benefit from strontium consumed at the same time. Im counting on Strontium Boost (and AlgaeCal Plus) to keep my bones in good shape for my, as yet, non-existent grandchildren. Minor bone loss starts at age 40, increasing to 0.5% to 0.9% a year in peri-menopausal women and to above 1% after menopause, after which the yearly loss in BMD remains about 1%. Thank you so much for responding, Lara and for responding so quickly. I was cautious about the calcium because of Mr. Barr, and was even more cautious when I found out I was in the higher range with no supplementation. (Its also the same dose of strontium citrate provided by 2 capsules of bone-building Strontium Boost.). Also, sometimes crystals can form and deposit in a joint a thumb joint version of gout. Then Id recommend something like Zumba because it can not only be high impact (you can always modify the steps to be low impact), but is so much fun that compliance is a delight. Hi Lara, Thanks for your reply. Strontium and calcium share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will. This individual had results that were slightly under 2,000 ng/ml which, in her assessment, is over 4,000 % higher than the upper normal limit of 45.0 ng/ml. For my MK-7 needs, I use AlgaeCals AlgaeCal Plus it provides me with not only K2 (as MK-7) at a dose of 100 mcg an amount shown in the research to be effective but a highly bioavailable and effective form of calcium, also magnesium, boron, and a whole mix of trace minerals all of which play a role in bone health. [Article in Japanese] PMID: 27628553. I wonder if the interval, between Calcium intakes is too short. I take the Nutralife Calcium with VitD3 and VitK. can I take just the AlgaeCal without Strontium? Modern wheat has been greatly hybridized over the last 50 years and contains WAY more gluten (gliaden) than wheat used to, and the food industry now also deanimates wheat to make it water-soluble, and thus easier to use in producing products. Is she able to absorb calcium effectively? In addition, the 500 mg intake level for citrate is the average this means that many people typically usually consume less citrate, so adding in Strontium Boost would have a bigger effect and those who typically consume less citrate and are carrying Clostridia would react. It is so helpful to have technical matters explained with such authority in understandable terms. Mary. It has been suggested that bone resorption is most active at night, so taking strontium citrate just before bed may result in strontium exerting more of its antiresorptive effects when they are needed most. Thank you JoAnn Rice. The study to which you sent me a link is the only human study I could find, but recent papers indicate lactoferrin may be quite helpful. The reason for your headaches is not the citrate. for it at that time. I find my body has more energy, sleeps better and just feels better when I minimize my grain intake. I will be 69 this year, and took my share of the old kind of Estrogen. 2012 Jan;112:212-7. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2011.11.005. YOU are typically getting from your diet. Charlotte. Safety does come first for me, and if at 41 mg/day they saw changes in thyroid I would like to take less. Re the high blood calcium, my first thought would be that you need more vitamin K, specifically, K2 as MK-7. The study found that caries followed a quadratic curve with strontium concentrations on the X-axis; the lowest prevalence of caries was seen with strontium concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg/L. Bone. Sounds like you are doing lots of good things for not only your bones, but your health overall. I just finished your book and it confirmed that what I have been doing for four years is indeed working. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. But I really struggled with smell and the slimy coating. A number of the plethora of supposedly safe food additives in processed foodspreservatives, food colorings, fake flavorings, etc.may be problematic in some individuals. K1 has significant anti-inflammatory effects. bdcdgfeeedcg. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Hi SML, DRIs for vitamin D are: But natto has a very strong smell and a slimy texture and most westerners dont like it. In articles posted on AlgaeCal.com and in #AskLaras on our AlgaeCal Community, I always provide links to the studies that support what I am saying immediately after the statements made although in checking the post on AlgaeCal.com, I see some of the references I provided have been removed, so only some are given in the links. Strontium Boost provides 680 mg of strontium citrate (not 680 mg of elemental strontium), in the 2 capsule dose. You can further optimize your absorption of strontium by: Ensuring your intake of vitamin D3 is adequate. I take a 1000 mcg. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87, 2060-2066. The issues are (1) allergies to the proteins in dairy (2)non-organic dairy dont have this!many reasons too many to go into here (3) a diet excessively high in protein will produce an acidic body chemistry. One other suggestion we order our fish from Vital Choices (www.vitalchoices.com) You can look at their website, see their products and their excellent quality control. Thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot occurring inside any blood vessel. I have been having it alone and away from the Algaecal. PLEASE comment about this. At first I thought it was a one time fluke, but it is happening every night. Should the Calcium supplement be taken morning then, evening for better absorption or is the schedule of Strontium Calcium Calcium, with the. Even at the highest dose of 255 mg Sr21/kg per day, the apatite crystals in the treated animals were intermediates between a physiologic calcium hydroxyapatite and an apatite where one calcium atom out of ten was substituted by a strontium atom. In doing so, I read through much of his published research and that of a number of others regarding gluten. Could you please explain the differences between Osteasarcoom and Osteaporosis as they both are located in the bone. If strontium promoted hair loss, dont you think it would have been noted in the last 100 years in the many thousands of subjects taking strontium in numerous clinical trials? That is troubling to me as do not want to end up with hyper-calcium. Within a year after I began supplementing with AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost (680 mg strontium citrate daily), my bones were completely healthy. Did return your call did you get the message i left for you intake... 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