Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. Eg: Command IPPI off, delete, cancel. I understand the the J&J is not an mrna vax. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. 10. If you pray this prayer with a genuine and penitent heart, God will respond. For example, there are stories of farmers who accidentally touched electric fences and the strong electric pulse healed them of viruses with similar symptoms to Lyme disease. One of the options on the market is liquid ionic boron and there are also many good boron supplements available. Suramin is still produced as the drug germanin, and some of the most potent natural sources of suramin include pinon pine hydrosol as well as Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with resin. All opinions are freely exchanged on this website! thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. So, I dont say this to you in a condescending way. When you klick on the link, you can use Google translate to read it in English. Step 2: There is no Step 2. Natural borax such as 20 Mule Team is also very effective (and cheap). Nano Morgellons fibers are also widely found in disposable facemasks as well as the COVID swabs (which, in reality, are self-replicating AI conductive graphene nanofibers, which are critical for the dual purpose of a surreptitious DNA harvesting and collection program) and there are many potential solutions to Morgellons here and here. It could take a lifetime to detox from the 1st injections. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccine, will be immune to being subjected to the madness of spiritual life. Please use discernment! Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. Evening Primrose Oil, This video explains with quite exhaustive research how nano ingredients have found their way into our food supply in the USA with virtually no human safety studies, with lax approval by the FDA. Nanoparticles that are present in the body (i.e. The violet ray was listed as one of the protocols to aide in this cleansing and healing. Oil of Oregano This is a very holistic and spiritual approach to counteracting the negative effects of vaccines (especially COVID vaccines), and the importance of step 10 should not be discounted. Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. Krill Oil 5. Until we can oust these psychopaths from power and end these programs of mass pollution, please detox. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. If people can adapt and make some temporary changes in order to get through the next couple of years this will eventually be exposed as the intentional massacre that it is and hopefully we will have Nuremburg 2 but we must resist at all costs to preserve the integrity of humanity. The macrobiotic diet is one of the best detox diets in the world, and those who rigorously follow the way of macrobiotics tend to live very healthy, long lives. i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. A recent study found nanoparticles in at least 43 market-leading vaccines, so the problem of nanites is not just restricted to COVID vaccines. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. The 528 hertz Solfeggio frequency, for example, is also known as the 528 Miracle because it can heal and repair DNA within the body. Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate) WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? The violet ray works by passing a mild, healing electrical charge to the site of application as well as through the whole body. Dr. Chris Exleys Advice to Detox Aluminium in cases of Vaccine Injury and Improve Neurological Health is to take Silicon-Rich Mineral WaterSee, Dr. Axe On Nano Bots:, Aviation Travel Writer: Azeez Abdullah Barzinjy. This article or attempt at it is nonsense. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. This makes it particularly effective against nanotechnology, because it is essentially makes the nanobots inert, so they are then able to be flushed out more easily with the likes of boron, zeolite, NAC and MMS. I don't know if the pads are detoxing the body or if it's the placebo effect, but they do make me feel better. Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. Hello M, thank you for paying attention to such spelling mistakes. Many of these prisoners were Christians and they were forcibly given psychotropic drugs and other harmful substances. Therefore, they can be in front of the right place of the body and removed. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Yay! Thanks again. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its content of rutin alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if for no other reason than strengthening the capillaries. . I would like to share all of you a device given to us by st. Germaine and tesla. On a spiritual level, there are more advanced techniques available to those who are ready, such as the violet flame (a unique spiritual energy which can transmute negativity in all its forms), sun gazing (an ancient spiritual practice which engages the light and power of the sun), EFT and Psych-K (modern energy psychology techniques which release blockages and facilitate growth), kriya yoga (an ancient meditation technique of energy and breath control) and HeartMath (a spiritual practice which helps you tap into the power and intelligence of your) just to name a few. I may try it again. Pass over your body. Sorry about that. I feel really bad for those who had to take it against their will but I think we need to get creative and now bow down to the powers that should not be. Analyses of COVID vaccines, for example, have found what looks like toxoplasma gondii in them. This is the updated protocol to protect those whove been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those whove been injected. Treatment for the Elimination of Graphene Oxide From the Body: The Nano Bucket Others also claim that a small EMP or an MRI could be used to deactivate the nanobots. Nanoparticles that are present in the body (i.e. Similar to diet, there are many options here, including: Dr Sherri Tenpenny recommends high doses of powdered vitamin C ascorbates (not ascorbic acid), 200-400mg co enzyme Q10 every day (gel caps and not powder) as well as getting Vitamin D and iodine. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. These Spanish researchers have found high amounts of nano graphene (carbon nanotube lattices) in the Pfizer vaccine and say that it is the toxic graphene which is causing all the blood clotting and adverse effects, as well as giving people the reported symptoms of COVID and that glutathione or N-acetylcysteine, precursor to glutathione, has been highly effective in treating people labeled as COVID patients (when what they may have been suffering from is just nano graphene poisoning). Silica D homeopathic 3. One of the most effective supplements in this process is organic bee pollen which is essentially a concentrate of natures building blocks of life. So the WBCs go to work and start to enclose each one through a process called Phagocytosis. For a more intensive experience combining this step with the above, try Tony Pantallescos electric nano bucket. Nanotech is apparently also found in vaccinesfor more information, please explore Tonys videos on Youtube, and hiswebsite. Pollen is extremely rich in rutin and may have the highest content of any source, plus it provides a high content of the nucleics RNA [ribonucleic acid] and DNA [deoxyribonucleic acid]. Be sure the source of the bee pollen is from a pristine and pure location, preferably located away from pollutants and potential GMO crops. Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate) Treatment for the Elimination of Graphene Oxide From the Body: The Nano Bucket Others also claim that a small EMP or an MRI could be used to deactivate the nanobots. Simply mix with good spring water, rainwater or reverse osmosis filtered water. Simply put, your body has a natural, God-given ability through the power of the heart to suppress inorganic nanotechnology which is harmful to the body. To reprogram the nanobots. God bless us all ! In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons. Be Blessed! You simply choose not to see the truth or accept it because it disrupts your comfort zone and is too much for you to handle. As your children, we do not consent to this violation of our body temples which house the Christ within our hearts. The niatonin protocol is fast gaining popularity as a method for detoxing, particularly from COVID vaccines. This injection changes your DNA Once your DNA changes you cannot go back, no matter what you eat or what you do. It is now crystal clear that nano-particles are here in our bodies and our everyday environment. WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? MMS also works very well against SARS-CoV-2 and there are many testimonies from doctors with regards to its efficacy in treating and curing patients and reducing the harmful side effects of immunizations. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. Borax (sodium tetraborate hexahydrate or sodium borate) is a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen and water, and has been used as a remedy for over 4000 years as a remedy for a variety of ailments. WebRemove The Nano Inside Your Body. Donna Dove, My husband got the J & J vax. Planet Earth: where forces of Love, Light, and Peace. Click to order book. You simply are not doing enough research or seeking the truth. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. If you havent seen Sofia Smallstorms presentation yet on synthetic biology,click here. If the person is not planning on continuing with the "booster" scam they might recover but I can't say for sure. Two short videos here with advice on how to clean the pineal gland of toxic build-up and restore brains and expand consciousness, the first from the Youtube channelInfinite Waters (Diving Deep)and the second fromAmritashraya and Devanatha: Ill continue to update this page with information as it comes my way. WebHow to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? The Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The World Economic forum, just to name a few. Thanks for a really great recipe! Jeff, More Than 150 Easy Favorites to Start Your Day, Gluten and Grain-Free. WebRemove The Nano Inside Your Body. - YouTube 0:00 / 11:00 How to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. Ha Ha! There are a number of foods and other supplements that can assist with the process of healing and protecting your DNA, including retinol palmitate, ascorbic acid, luteolin, quercetin, NAC and niacinamide. WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? This is potentially the most important step when it comes to detoxing from vaccines, particularly when it comes to mRNA gene modification vaccines. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. Here I share my transformational lifestyle tips, new techniques, and luscious, original recipes for a new, vital way of living. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Whenever someone tells you that you need to flush toxins, or that some miracle medicine or tea or blah blah blah whatever can flush toxins, look out. I plan to live a long, happy life, so I want to learn about whats around the corner. Please know that your views are always welcome. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. I don't think my link worked. In the name of Jesus Christ: I acknowledge and accept that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. So the WBCs go to work and start to enclose each one through a process called Phagocytosis. I will post further on this shortly. Silica D homeopathic 3. suggest to read this ariticles. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul and trust me, you don't want that. Most big websites do this too. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Several researchers and naturopaths and yogis recommmend such things as raw turmeric, pineapple, watercress, cilantro, and, from the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, slices of raw onions on your soles at night when you sleep. 2. What Steiner said is exactly that. I didnt say anything to the person because I didnt know how to say it and if they would have understood. Post by alankey onNov 24, 2008 at 4:30pm. My view of Paleo is to nourish true wellness and balance, free of indigestion, weight gain, cravings, and moods. It iwill help you to know zeolite uses. So the WBCs go to work and start to enclose each one through a process called Phagocytosis., Considering the fact that there will be subsequent boosters most likely every 3 months for the rest of the person's life, I do not recommend it to anyone in the experiement. Anywhere you intuitively feel right on the body is fine. I pray to our Father Lord God Almighty to intercede and protect mankind from the violation of our bodies with unholy and unclean substances. This will shutdown each and everyone of them. WebHow To Remove Nano Tech From The Body 2,892 views Oct 12, 2021 135 Dislike Share PrimalHacker This is one method described to me from Ronald Farnham based on a podcast he did on YouTube. - YouTube 0:00 / 11:00 How to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? One of the most effective weapons against the harmful inorganic nanoparticles contained within vaccines is direct application of mild electric currents to the body. The nano particulates of metals are hard to excrete especially if you have a sluggish immune system. GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate) MMS has been around a long time but has been heavily suppressed as it is a cheap and effective cure (not band-aid) for many ailments. This video featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits (of Plandemic fame) explains in this video how suramin is an antidote to the pathogenic ingredients in mRNA vaccines (maybe one of the real reasons why the FDA has also made it illegal to use suramin for therapeutic purposes (such as treating vaccine-induced autism) in the United States). Youre being scammed. Paida Lajin goes way beyond other methods such as chiropractic and modalities taught by modern health care providers. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.). Fortunately, the violet ray is one of the few Tesla inventions that managed to survive the crackdown and is publicly available worldwide. The Omicron variant seems to be a game-changer. Superherbs to help disable spike protein: WebThese Divine Dimensions have technology gifted to them through God to disable and remove nanobots. Chlorella Doing so will also have more general and significant health benefits for your body. I'm planning to take a lot of as a staple to my detox protocol. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal. WebHow To Remove Nano Tech From The Body 2,892 views Oct 12, 2021 135 Dislike Share PrimalHacker This is one method described to me from Ronald Farnham based on a podcast he did on YouTube. Silica Dhomeopathic This is Cody Snodgres in conversation with me, Jan 11, 2018, on the Deep State, mind control operations, microwave weapon use on people, and more: The important thing to note here is that the pineal gland can indeed be detoxified, the flouride removed, and the toxins barred. This is a remarkable question! In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. Chem trailst/outed as geoengineeringare also apparently connected to a global depopulation agendawhich unfortunately is not the conspiracy theory dream of deluded researchers butthe conspiracy of deluded globalists,more on that soon. Sponsored by Ambertracks Survival - YouTube 0:00 / 4:56 Remove The Nano Inside Your Body. 2. By my own free will I choose to disengage from any complicity or involvement with the fallen ones plans and I choose to follow Gods plan for my life. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/ Aerosols, February 21st, 2018/Interview with Suzanne Meher and Tony Pantelleresco at Ramola D Reports. Silica D homeopathic 3. 1. Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic, THE DRAGON AND SERPENT SYMBOLS WHAT YOURE NOT BEING TOLD (UPDATED). 7. It produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the bodys organs, with an electrical field about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. There are also many foods and supplements you can take to help protect and heal your DNA. As with the violet ray, drink good spring, rain or reverse osmosis filtered water before and after to assist with hydration and conductivity. I am surprised this article would mention Tesla but not Royal Raymond Rife. Silica D homeopathic 3. Azeez Abdullah Barzinjy. Soran University. Neem Powder (in capsules) will do the same as turmeric and also help cleanse the liver and kidney. Use sealed or closed bags/containers or cover all containers when not in use. Then she says, if they are alive you may as well give them a task and then suggested, If you cant frequency program at Trionary Level then delete. The good news is that MMS is the perfect antidote for this kind of parasitical organism. Im a pretty open-minded, progressively thinking person who doesnt buy into the insanity of the colonialist/capitalist paradigm, but I also dont think every government in the world is out to control me. Dispose of cleaning materials in a sealed bag to prevent further release of the nanomaterial. In a nutshell, the steps are: First, spiritual steps are needed to heal and clear your body and being, and to clear any spiritual contracts you may have signed to allow them into your body (even without knowing it). New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. Perhaps you could provide some details of your experience. Mike Adams explains how to produce pine needle tea (which contains suramin) in this helpful video and also details how pine needle tea contains other important ingredients such as shikimic acid which can also boost the immune system (which will produce natural antibodies) and act against SARS-CoV-2. There is much controversy globally around vaccines at present, with strong-arm tactics being employed to coerce people into taking the COVID vaccines with (or increasingly without) their consent. To reprogram the nanobots. Garlic This process harnesses the healing power of food in a natural way and emphasizes harmony between man and nature. Closing tip: If youre going to be (or if youve just been) vaccinated. WebAnswer: My reading of the research doesnt indicate that theyd moved beyond grain of rice sized implants adjacent to nerve bundles. Saying that flu vaccines and mask wearing are the true causes of Covid (despite the fact that the vast majority of people in the world dont get flu shots, and its absolutely asinine to think that a persons mind could be controlled by a homemade cotton mask) are some seriously fear-mongering claims designed to manipulate people who are already terrified and refuse to accept the fact that there are some things (like viruses mutating and wreaking world-wide havoc) that are beyond their control. Borax is meant to be taken in small amounts (the FDA maximum dosage is 1/8 teaspoon per 100 pounds of body weight) so take a small pinch of this in the water every morning, with maybe 3-6 glasses per day for an internal nano detox. Food plays a very significant role in the process of detoxifying from vaccines and the harmful ingredients contained therein. 11. Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. Where can anyone learn more about Paida Lajin? It's very helpful with methylation. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. MMS also works very well in conjunction with Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) as a detoxifying agent. Children, for example, lose their second sight and are no longer able to see other dimensions and spiritual phenomena. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. Also please see my fairly recent interview with Elana Freeland here, where she discusses the issue of transhumanism and the takeover of humanity via nano/neurotech: Report #14: Elana Freeland Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP (, Harald Kautz-Vella and Cara St. Louis, authors of the bookDangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation,which discusses chem trails from both scientific and sociologic points of view, can be heard onSage of Quay radio herediscussing how the nanobots are self-assembling, how the EMF radiation all around us assists the targeting via the nanotechnology, and how the combination of EMF and nanotechnology can be engineered to be specific to certain populations; their videos and talks can be found on Youtube. Therefore, they can be in front of the right place of the body and removed. Great post! Although I haven't nor will ever get the experimental drug for covid, when I was young I recall being vaccinated for something at school and becoming very sick. Under the pretext of a healthy point of view, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit. More and more people are waking up to the realities that our modern world, our weather, food, air, water, and medicines are not what they used to be. Check out these free frequency videos on YouTube from Dr. i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. Apply to the body (especially site of vaccines, and other good areas include C7 vertebrae, forehead, around and behind the ears, vagus artery/nerve, EFT tapping points and along the spine). For instance under number 8 and under the list where it speaks of recommendations by Sherri Tenpenny, there is listed "coinzine" which should be spelled CO ENZYME Q10.

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