If there is no loan document in place, the heirs have no recourse to get the money back from the borrower on behalf of the estate. calling him , or texting him . Or do we lack evidence? There need to be a revamp of the will procedure or policy this probate and will crap is sicking for the true family members that should get the inheritance of there family members but instead strangers get off with it and they do nothing about it but go after the family with bull!! My nieces and there police officer husband tricked my elderly mother off her estate by using the next door neighbor which knew the police officer from years earlier and im developmentally disabled an adoptee my mom a former aircraft mechanic and a child advocate ,and after niece and her police officer husband moved mom off her estate ,they my niece brought in another lawyer ,not our family lawyer, and my bedridden mom with a heart condition they had her make up a new revocable trust making niece and her husband main beneficiaries therefore dis-inheriting us 3 adopted kids of 33 years after being with this adopted family . I never saw the will. If I survive her three death threats Ill update you after my eviction trial this week. I am not sure if this is comment. Yes to the people who advised not giving one person all the power in your will because you have just placed that person in the position of doing things with your money that you likely did not foresee (unless you intended for one of your children to steal the majority of your money to build themselves a little empire, and pay their friends handsomely, and assign to themselves the property you intended to be split equally, and intentionally divide the family, and pay their corrupt elder law attorney many tens of thousands out of the estate money, andthis is importantremember YOU with bitter disappointment because what you arranged to give to your beneficiaries was your last statement and act of love to them, so dont screw it up and be overly trusting OR, even worse, deliberately punish the children you think did not love or obey you mostsometimes the love you are given by one child in your later years is simply an act with dollar signs flashing within their greedy brain. This is in Nevada where I believe what was acquired before the marriage is considered separate property? its to overwhelming and before she dies she just wants to untangle the mess with her uncle. I have no clue where to look considering trusts are Not Public data. Thank you. Since this person will be managing your assets until they are distributed to your heirs, you must choose someone whom you trust to follow your wishes. The executor and his/her attorney then refuse to distribute whatever money remains after their appalling premeditated acts of theft unless every intended beneficiary signs this agreement that, in our case, says that all the corrupt actions of the executor were satisfactory and proper, and that if there were any errors in the accounting (of which they have refused to provide, and which would be too expensive to fight for since the inheritance was under a million to begin with), we promise to pay back up to every penny we inherited. This kind of denigration can persuade an elderly parent to change their will in favor of the lying heir. My oldest brother told me I had been left money by both and one was a life insurance policy I confirmed this by asking her she at first lied then told her who told me and she said yes but you owed it to me for raising you!!!??? And someone should be accountable for the way I feel every day. Then police took detective lied, then gave to another juridiction to Lapd, and presently im still waiting never heared anything back. Inheritance Theft - Texas Will Contest Lawyer (800) 323-1857. I cant do any thing to stop them. The more you complain, the more they will try and get you out of your loved ones life. The following tactics are common when a relative is vulnerable to manipulation: Family members who borrowed money from a relative might insist that such loans were gifts after the relatives death. My Dad and his other siblings all deserve a piece of the pie. The father retired and had saved all of the monies from the boys benefits. He is also in Florida and is the POA/Guardian of she and her Estate. So I wasnt really thinking of dealing with lawyers and courts a5 years passed quickly. Tapes galore where sister admits crimes, dirty local PD who have refused seven times of taking any reports. I tried to get Mom to have both trustees have to sign check and agree with movement of assets. Robert Melvin Attorney at Law strives to make Tacoma, WA legal defense affordable. Didnt leave enough money to bury mom. A Decrease font size. i know its not your problem but any assistance would be greatly appreiciated. He also is claiming my forever home in Maine as I had my daughter handle the purchase with my funds. My Dad & I were very close even when I had my own apts. I didnt know it at the time that they were victims of home invasion, by the time I found. We had a rough last 5 years, I lost my home, was useless with kids and went back to school and was straight a student for 3.5 years until the pandemic destroyed our world 6 months from graduating with 3.98 I Was left an account by Clarence Guy Cox/Gray J. Sprinkle both my 2 grandfathers how do I get my money please help me and thank you !!!! We learned via facebook he passed. Home; Practice Areas. He never asked for receipts and took her at word. Did we have a right to be heard? Should I, following the parents death, immediately have an attorney enjoin my siblings from spending any estate disbursements, under penalty of law, prior to verification of any Will disinheriting me? We should also step back and acknowledge that Prop 19 and Proposition 13 allow California beneficiaries and heirs to transfer parents property taxes when inheriting property and inheriting property taxes and keep parents property taxes basically forever, establishing a low property tax base through a parent-to-child exclusion. Who do I report too? I was very much taken advantage of. I am the co trustee of Moms trust. EVERYTHING EVERYONE POST HAS HAPPENED TO ME AS WELL AND I FEEL YOULL PAIN AND LOSS. here is what they told me ( it`s over) ( forget it ) ( move on ) your life. I believe my Uncle is trying to hoard the profit for himself, soon to be made, from that property. Im an only child and only grandchild. How can we assist him because they dont want him to come close to because he can get the correct information, hello, Im in need of attorney n Louisiana to assist me n my daughter as her grandmother has changed properties lied n change things after the 21 year accrual. Many years ago, my uncle passed away. My grandparents raised me since I was 9 months old I grew up with them then as an adult I moved to Las Vegas. If the older sibling of the disabled child were to destroy the will, then the parent would be considered to have died intestate, and the money would be distributed equally between the siblings. Her name Maria and their baby sister Carmen are doing the same my aunt went as far as to have someone taking care of grandma while she get paid from the county when she never cared for her only take her to her appointments and even at that if she didnt hurry shed leave her now she has sold the house that grandma left us some how when we were left in the dark about it all. My wife & I had a trust in made for us in 2012, saying when one of us passed on the other has control of everything. My dad and I werent close, but neither were he and my brother. And all of a sudden when I look up my family, it is all messed up,and items referring to my uncle now say jr.items referring to my grandfather say Sr or the 3rd and Ive been following for a while and it seems she using my uncles name claiming everything as widow and just claiming typos for the mismatch of names and it seems like their is fraud and so much more devious manipulations taking place .and Im the only witness on how things actually were , how can I bring this Black widow down and get my mother the inheritance that was hers.she didnt even get her trust .I thought that was untouchable. And I live with her and took care of her for many years why a lender would let a terminally ill person take out a second mortgage ill never understand. there is a family friend handling it as exequatur but we are not in touch with her and are relying on my uncle for information. So they have excuse for why they are putting her away. A good place to start may be contacting a legal professional. What can I do? Put a disclosure requirement in your will. Her father remarried, his new wife had children already and together her father and the new wife had a daughter. what I heard is there was a lot of really good stuff and it all disappeared even all the accounts and other stuff worth big cash, cars vehicles, homes and rental of other homes he told me about.. and the same thing happen with my parents..they gave me junk. I was named as executor and beneficiary on a will. Shed asked me to move in to stay there but w/ conditions that reduced my life to homelessness yet again. were do i start to get wats rightfully mine. Stolen by lazy greedy demon. I was hurt in CA in 2003. One of the important choices you will have to make when drawing up your will is who will act as your executor. I have a friend who is 67 yrs old, as a child her grandparents formed a family corp. And she was named in its formation as a shareholder with 80 shares. My uncle was a lot older than my father but they were very close. I have been railroaded out of my inheritance. Taylor You can Learn more about protecting both your family and your finances when you sign up for the Extra Mile newsletter. Probate fraud and theft of inheritance commonly cause families to lose signficant amounts of wealth. But according to Ross, you can start this search the way you start any search for a service provider: online. I want everything done on the up and up. Not all lawyers will take contingency cases because they require an attorney to do a significant amount of work without payat least for an extended period. I believe that there have to be more safeguards and ways to protect the rights of beneficiaries. Discuss your estate plan with the entire family. If anyone could assist me.. My dad ex-Marine ( USA)) retired. If all her papers her official will, and her Ad&d insurance papers were missing. My stepmother is salivating at the mouth since my papa died, shes been praying for his death for 30 years. So why the hell would you send me qn application instead of a cancelation sooner or why would you send out forms for someone who died on 2014 at that!! In Sept of 2021 my grandmother passed away and after reading this article I would say my case falls under manipulation of my inheritance from other family members that were with here while she was doing her will and left me 75 a month till supposedly her money runs out who can help me? No autopsy on my great-grandmother.who I am more than 90% sure was murdered by uncles wifeuncle was executor, they lived with my grandmother. I was told I could have a death certificate from a relative, I said ,Yes I would like one.Then everyone yelled , No! So, I didnt get the death certificate. There was so much fraud going on witch one do you pick or who do you go after . They did not want him left out and expected us to care for him, allowing him control of family homestead. To learn more about probate litigation, you can visit our website here. ym Right to an accounting.U. My lawyer gave up. I have a sister. My son is single right now & was never married his girlfriend even though they have 2 son,s . Many thanks for sharing your web-site. I have been through a lot of trouble and expense for 6 years trying to recover my inheritance utilizing legal systems in 2 States and it isnt over yet. It seems they are using it for themselves and refusing to give me money to get out of an area that is holding us in a hostage situation. You need to be a little more specific you can go to the court house and possibly ask if there is a will after 2015 they may not tell you I dont know your jurisdiction but you wont be able to see the will till after probate. I need a good beneficiary attorney in the Cola.,SC area asap. Everything is supposed to be split equally between her 3 kids. Do I get a lawyer? Source: rlcrlaw.com. My dad is dying. Then when they released the money in the account he contacted me to come to the bank because they wouldnt release the money only to him as it turned out, I was on the account as my dad had stated, so I did get 1/2 of what was left of the money which was maybe right at 5400.00. and that was it. My two siblings and I are adopted. Always see two lawyer s when setting up a trust. My mom, in my opinion, was Very confused from various medicines, and did Change her Will. I need help finding out about a will, and life insurance claim , and also loans..i do not have money to pay for a lawyer so if you could give me some advice i would appreciate your help ..thank you, Good morning my mom was taken from the hospital without me and my brother knowing where she was taking to from January up until February 13th my mom was not allowed to see us we were not allowed to know where she was we looked all over the place for her and when we did talk to someone they said that we were not allowed to know about her I was allowed to see my mom February 12th and then my mom died in her sleep February 13th my mom has four kids three boys one girl two of my brothers are deceased my cousin as well as the other family has stolen money has stolen her car has cash in all of our life insurance policies and is trying to cash in the other one they told me that my mom made a will and made her power of attorney over her but she did not me and my family have been going through a lot of harassment vandalism theft identity theft money stolen and the kids that my mama got custody of have been denied of us allowed to see them and talk to them as well as the dog the landlord took the money from my mom to deposit money we have been getting light on we have been getting phone calls we have been getting our mail stolen from my mom address in our address our phones have been getting hacked the finance companies have been stealing our information I have been trying to get an attorney ever since, My dad just passed away in October of 2021 his estranged wife of 13 years who left him because he had Ms has now come back into the picture I live in the state of Ohio and she is trying to take claim to the estate which my grandfather grandfather passed before my dad died by a month or so so all my grandfathers estate and my dads estate are now pretty much going to her is there anyway I can challenge or fight this when my brother and I were named executor of the estate and the only two named in his will how do you challenge or fight her from claiming any of the estate value when she is not been around for 13 years even though theyre married. 3. Hi I have a question- My grandson is only 20 and his father passed recently and left his life insurance to my grandson. nothing! When the information came out about the house being transferred in my daughters name is the same time that I was admitted into a mental hospital. Now its no surprise insurance company dont tell you that you have inherited anything or neither do they bother to look for or make some search for a loved one right?? And I will lose my wife and family to. What can I do. Everything what do I do now. Am I liable for this!?? I didnt find out til a couple months ago that I was applying for social security because it cane up in the information. I have the case number an perfect file documents. An LLC was established and the house has a long term lease on it. I see all unanswered questions. Legally, that seems to be how this works. I hate seeing so much grief being shared over such a thing. It was well known that my uncle wanted my fathers kids to inherit what he had. She didnt have no services for him and refuses to give us anything of his not nothingshe is smoking crack and drinking all the money she got of his. Without splitting.did I mention they changed my grandmas will 2 or 3 times.i think she killed my uncle as well.no autopsy. Neither references to third parties, nor the provision of any link imply an endorsement or association between The Hartford and the third party or non-Hartford site, respectively. To protect my rights! One option that has been gaining in popularity when you have greedy heirs in an estate you cannot trust, trying to steal your inheritance assets that are inheriting the same home you are you can simply buy them out. (770) 833-7554. Im scared my Sister & Husband are so blessed beautiful family, picture perfect home, can eat off their floors, well off no worries ever fir life her husband sued 3 times hospital or Drs he was 28 fireman had knee surgery they are manipulative people, care only fir themselves DONT know what its like living in a real world her main problems are cleaning or getting Botox, they havent spoke to my Dad in 2 Yrs after thry found out I was moving out of his 2 family home in Bronx N.y. Neither my mother has evicted me from the property nor she has told me the truth about my sister . That they were very close place to start may be contacting a legal professional, dirty local PD have. They will try and get you out of your loved ones life Lawyer. Evicted me from the property nor she has told me ( it ` over! Victims of home invasion, by the time I found uncle wanted my fathers kids inherit! Has evicted me from the boys benefits her will insurance to my grandson supposed to more! 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