Personal distance is the space is 18 inches to 4 feet away from another person. d. Workers today communicate less than in previous years. Which statement about the differences or similarities between persuasive and informative speaking is accurate? Empathy refers to. d. more than 65% Save. Includes hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. a. task A cultural dimension that refers to an attitude of independence and freedom from control; common in low-context cultures. a. convergence, nearly instant speed, and ease of manipulation. Which of the following is a similarity between citing and turn gestures? Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate? Context b. using simple English How do mass media and social media differ? b. a. take Brittany aside and tell her to keep her negative behavior to herself She greets everyone cheerfully but doesn't spend too much time in small-talk. a. This is an example of using d. ritual. d. remember that statistics are a numerical picture of how something was at a particular time. d. interviews e. reflective practicing. b. a short-term orientation. c. Motivation This is referred to as _________________. above each possessive noun. b. smell d. promoting. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. What technique is Scott using to improve his listening? Stories in organizations that convey the values, style, and history of an organization are called 34. d. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines. D. Expressing your enjoyment of hockey games reflects a basic attitude 2 Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an uncertainty-avoiding culture. a. body characterization What would Jacob's behavior be an example of? Remember, take him out." Since very little published research exists on this topic, Jill decides to poll her student colleagues and some faculty members on their attitudes, opinions, and preferences about faculty. e. none of these answers are exceptions. The type of informative speech that summarizes the results of something is a(n) Ryan is using a response called ______, Your company is sending you to an important conference. a. creativity Your boss asks that you report back with new ideas that would benefit the company. Which Barrier is this? Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? a. masculinity Kacie thought this meant that Taylor had had too much to drink. b. Instead of focusing solely on Cynthia, John was thinking about the game he was missing. False, Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures. This helps you relax and get prepared for more serious learning. b. Persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than informative speaking. d. demonstrate warmth. e. delivery gestures, The study of a person's voice is known as ______________. Perspective taking is associated with ____________. By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ____________. a. a team. David's selection is an example of which piece of advice about choosing a topic? d. Build credibility with listeners. Informative speakers should e. All of these answers apply to persuasive speaking. Kiley tells Luke, "I wish you wouldn't leave your dishes in the sink" What still needs to be answered to make the statement a behavioral description? a. d. physical characteristics d. hearing a. b. Verbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. Superior communication skills can give you an edge over other applicants in today's competitive job market. A method of audience analysis that seeks information about specific listeners and that relates directly to the speaker's topic and purpose is d. supervisory communication. e. hypothetical thought. Roger was sitting in class listening to his broadcasting professor talk about blogs, wikis, and memes. b. temporal c. Capitalizing on lag time a. Communicators in low-context cultures assume listeners do not need much background information. Be debatable. b. visual aids increase listeners' interest because they add variety. Motivating listeners to want information False, The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as ethnocentrism. Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? c. facial expressions e. interdependence. b. d. Because of social media, communicators can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past. b. vocal distractors Social philosophy more likely influences language much more than gender. c. committee. c. Public zone Listening between the lines When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. d. The meanings of nonverbal behaviors are universal among all cultures. c. explanation. Wait as long as possible to choose a topic so that you have options. The context of a communication setting can greatly affect the meaning of any nonverbal behavior. e. Adapt to diverse listeners. e. people need to speak to other people to manage their impressions and self images online, Bill needed to talk to Stacy about a new assignment. Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. c. time orientation The increase in Jeremy's credibility during the speech is due to which of the following? d. communication team networks. T or F. Snap judgmenets become problems when they are based on stereotyping. Which of the following best describes low-context cultures? e. Create a mind map to narrow your topic in relation to your broad area of interest. b. cultivation theory d. resonance, gatekeeping, and nearly instant speed. a. When he spoke to her, he found that she was just catching up on her jogging and had free time after all. d. Strive for accuracy and clarity. d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. Messages written in today's workplace are intended for only internal audiences. Jeff does not like parties and doesn't want to go but it's his friend's birthday. b. Which statement best captures the connection between self-concept and communication? d. job description. Janet is expressing which orientation to power? Michael and Brooke's behavior best exemplifies _______. Thought speed - Think faster than people talk. 21 hours ago. b. rite. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. c. a rite of promotion. These statements illustrate d. power a. thesis statement. a. a renewal rite. Which principle of nonverbal communication is exemplified in this scenario? a. ritual. Because he is Asian, he can create the budget because Asians are whizzes with math." Euphemisms are pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant terms. e. a rite of integration. a. This is an example of _______. e. All of these are accurate. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? 1. b. to correct listeners' misconceptions. a. perception. b. haptic a. kinesics Do you have a suggestion to improve them? The extent to which a person looks at another during a conversation is culturally based. a. creating an entirely online presence. e. informal communication. e. organizational rites. Select one: False, In today's workplace, soft skills such as communicating clearly, getting along with coworkers, solving problems, and taking initiative are less important than technical or hard skills. a. haptics e. All of these choices are examples of how mass and social media differ. e. Symbols have multiple interpretations. d. to convince listeners to stop doing something they are currently doing. An oversimplified behavioral pattern applied to entire group. c. Anxiety strong enough to hinder our ability to interact with others is communication apprehension. |Score .7118| Jay901 |Points 8306|. a. b. using loaded language to refer to e. pseudolistening. c. motivate listeners to want information. B. Communication will solve all problems. Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants. a. power to e. Nonverbal communication only occurs consciously. Which of the following does NOT apply to persuasive speaking? What does it mean to say that communication is a process? c. avoid smiling, which might make you appear to lack seriousness. 15 Questions Show answers. What technique is Katelyn using to improve her listening? The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is Select a topic that is brand new to you. A culturl dimension that refers to how individuals perceive and use time. A. Nonfiction writing focuses only on providing information. All of the following are key premises about cultures EXCEPT b. Grandstanding c. Communication will solve all problems. Mass communication is the correct answer. The assumption that an expert in one area is also an expert in another area is known as a. one to three members. a. e. all of these. A department head in the same company tells employees that the department will sustain layoffs within the next six months. e. statistics, Evidence serves which of the following functions? Elliot is having trouble listening effectively in his political science class. e. gaggle. Research has shown a link between heavy reliance on mediated communication and LESS loneliness. However, when her mother mentions going shopping to get some new clothes and good novels for Deena to take back to school, Deena listens attentively. Which of the following resources for research is likely the most convenient but the least reliable? a. Is the following statement accurate? An introduction d. Workers today spend more time in offices than workers in the past. b. diversionary distraction A. a. uses and gratifications theory c. phatic communication b. communication structure. b. paraphrasing What type of barrier to effective listening is Kelsey experiencing? Every other civilized country has stopped! a. mindful mnemonics A. Engage in the dual perspective. Use nonverbal to accentuate or highlight the key information. d. self-reflection. 10 Healthcare Orgnizations, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. b. a decreased emphasis on ethics He then says to his old friends, I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw (II.ii.33031). c. status e. All of these answers are guidelines for effective persuasive speeches. July tells Michael about a problem she's been having at work. Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: Which of the following is true of nonverbal communication? a. the time required and excessive cohesion. Symbols are powerful. B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. c. Grandstanding Mass media cultivate convergence, but social media do not. d. listening to discriminate What information can Kay learn from her demographic audience analysis? a. use words that will impress the listener. e. Engage about evenly in I language and you language. b. organization influences comprehension of ideas. What is the forth step in the communication proccess? This kind of borrowing is known as d. Digital business messages such as e-mails, tweets, and instant messages do not need to be as clear or professional as other forms of business correspondence. a. responding. d. message complexity. d. Relying on context and feeling. Pavi's statement is an example of what important part of informative speaking? As a result, Juan may have difficulty _____, being away from home for long periods of time. e. topical, "I hope to give you an appreciation of important differences between social media and mass media." a. Communication anxiety is only imagined and not real. d. Use simple English. b. loaded language. e. None of these answers are correct. c. collectivistic b. regulate interaction. There will be lectures and workshops about new trends and practices plus many networking opportunities. e. The average age of her audience. Social zone Is he acting? Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? e. Visualization. Providing listeners with a clear thesis statement C. Experience less hostility among team members. c. between 35% and 50% c. Working in a team e. digital divide. When she came out of her room, her mom asked her what she had been doing. d. democracy, Celene told her coworker, "I'm glad Jin will be working with us on our project. e. femininity, Jacob tries to avoid ambiguity and vagueness. c. institutions, medicine, and technology. True All of the following are ways visual aids add support to a presentation EXCEPT if it is past perfect, pres. A cultural dimension that refers to the way indiciduals communicate and use words. In this case, Bill: c. climate e. I-language to own your feelings. a. cultural relativism. a. b. d. Now, he's having trouble getting hired.

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