full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon surgery

I received my first steroid injection treatment during the summer of 2011 and went through a lengthy 6 moth physical therapy treatment. I am sorry I can't offer you specific advice over the internet regarding surgery or specific exercises. It sounds like you are not following your surgeons instructions! I'm just about at the point of desperation here. Similarly pain and dysfunction in the shoulder may cause you to use it less, which may in turn lead to weaker muscles and tendons (which may lead to more difficulty during and after a subsequent surgery). I'm sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet about the best option for your situation. That is some interesting advice you have received. I served in the Navy for many years, and in April of 2010 I had a little mishap. Three kids will no doubt also be keeping you busy and missing out sleep because of your shoulder pain doesn't sound like much fun. The recovery time after surgery is substantial (and may vary depending on the surgeon, and specific structures repaired). Thanks to my hubby for finding this site. Many persons with partial-thickness tears will never require surgery if they undergo an appropriate physical therapy rehabilitation to address muscle imbalances. Gloria Freeman from Alabama USA on January 21, 2013: Hi lot of good info and tips here. @anonymous: Hi Donna, I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are having with your shoulder. One thing that you may find encouraging is that often artists don't lift (elevate) their shoulders much when they create art (paint etc.). @anonymous: Hi LB, Sorry for the delay, I have been away for visiting family for a week or so. Good luck! I had subacromial decompression February 2010 a year after a motor vehicle injury (I am currently a 34 year old female). MRI does demonstrate a complete massive tear of my rotator cuff with retraction and severe atrophy. but can get back fairly good motion about the shoulder . If muscles of the rotator cuff are not providing adequate stability throughout the shoulder's range of motion, this can contribute to shoulder impingement and a break down of the supraspinatus tendon. Surgery may also involve orthopedic alteration of biomechanical factors around the shoulder joint in order to prevent further ongoing damage to the supraspinatus tendon. It was then I found out how messed up my shoulder actually is 1. I am now off again to another specialist as the 2nd opinion specialist said there was not much he could do to improve the situation! I decided to go to the local army medical hospital. I have always found the anatomy of the shoulder to be very interesting. Visited many doctors and was always told it was nothing, the pain got unbearable and I saw yet another dr who was completely caught off guard my the loud pop my shoulder makes. Good luck! It seems as though you have now had two MRI reports. This is just general information of course. A moderate size full thickness tear . Some quite compelling research has indicated that a substantial proportion of people (particularly young people) who receive this kind of treatment will go on to have further shoulder problems (sometimes instability in the shoulder joint or pain and discomfort from damaged structures). but can get back fairly good motion about the shoulder . There is a small band of hyperintensity on the footprint attachment of the anterior aspect of supraspintus in keeping with tendinopathy -small unretracted intra-substance tear. I mention this, as this will often influence treatment decisions. Now I have these results stated above. It turns out, this management approach is not terribly effective in leading to a prompt repair of the damaged structures. ( x-ray, phys ther,corticosteroid inj. Good luck! Supraspinatus tendon tear symptoms commonly go on for months (or even years) until the underlying problem is resolved (usually through improving the functioning of the rotator cuff, surgery, or both). It will be worth developing a good relationship with your doctor (and physical therapist) who can help you do the right things to recover as quickly as possible. Dr. Mike great info here thanks. I received today my results of a CT Scan from my right shoulder, which I had an accident like 5 months ago. Sought 2 nd opinion 3weeks later due to the server pain. Couldn't even lay down. Usually getting a second opinion is not a bad option if you are not confident that the first opinion is going to lead to the best outcome for you, but I expect that may well be impossible while you are still on deployment? Complete: With a full-thickness or complete tear, the tendon separates completely from the bone. The acromion joins with the collar bone and attaches to the upper arm (humerus also not shown in this image). Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Should this shoulder have an MRI? As I think you already suspect, an MRI is likely to have greater diagnostic accuracy for ruling out (or in) the involvement of other structures in your shoulder, such as the long head of Biceps Brachi. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this treatment method. There is inhomogeneous and bulbous appearance of the distal .subscapularis tendon with tendinosis. There are many sub-types of SLAP tears and varying severity. The pain is mostly in neck and shoulder blade and collar. Heuberer et al 15 used the knotless cinch-bridge technique for supraspinatus tears. )full thickness tear of supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons both have retracted past glenoid process 2.) Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Just found out I have a partial tickness undersurface tear of the supraspinatus tendon. I then went to see another orthopaedic surgeon who said I have whiplash. If you know you have a rotator cuff tear, worsening pain and decreasing strength may mean the tear is getting larger. Three techniques are used for rotator cuff repair: Traditional open repair Mini-open repair Arthroscopic repair Your orthopaedic surgeon can recommend which technique is best for you. Did MRI of neck 1st which showed degenerative disc disease in c5-6 and c7-t1. Wish me luck!!! Then follow up by asking him about any risks associated with the surgery in your particular case (your surgeon should know your particular circumstances in detail and be able to provide you with specific advice about options available to you). What do you think of the other therapies? He kind of scared me regarding the recovery for this. Most people with ongoing pain will usually try the conservative interventions before considering surgery. Not all the time, but it was intermittent. bone spurs and/or rotator cuff tears. and seemed to be doing ok with Cortisone shots. The use of steroid injection for treatment of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear is still controversial. I have had this problem with my shoulder/arm for about 6 months maybe. Advice welcomed. If you have persistent pain or weakness in your shoulder that does not improve with nonsurgical treatment. Tendonosis literally means chronic pathology without inflammation (i.e. I was told that there were a few other muscles around the supraspinatus that were torn and I also had some bone spurs that could also be causing some irritation. Shoulder muscles are very good for stabilizing the ball and socket joint and making large movements (to help lift things, throw objects etc. @brando87: Thanks brando87, that's what I aim for! It's a supraspinatus tendon tear with 50% thickness and no labral tear. Can you help me out at all? Surgical repairs can be compromised when post-operative instructions are not followed, so if you have surgery make sure you know exactly what you should and should not do! It is plausible to sustain one or the other (or both) from a fall. It sounds as though you know a little bit about your shoulder situation already, so I won't re-state details about the anatomy that is affected. Otherwise you will have signficantly reduced function (plus ongiong pain) in that shoulder. I'll go check out some of your lenses now. Original injury was 4 years ago in a MVA and I've been experiencing pain when sleeping on injured side, intermittent loss of sensation for the entire arm resulting in dropping things, loss of muscular endurance and increased pain for repetitive activities ranging from ribcage level and upward, loss of muscular strength and increased pain for lifting objects at the present moment equivalent in weight to a litre of milk or heavier, and an overall sense of lack of spacial awareness for the injured arm as if my arm is not "connected" to my body. Let us know how you go! So first off, I should say that I have certainly seen situations where a small supraspinatus tear has been surgically repaired, only for a worsening of symptoms to occur after further pathology (such as other rotator cuff tendon tears) either develop or become easier to detect on imaging (e.g. I was an elite athlete most of my life and have accepted that I will no longer be able to return to my sport 100%. I explained of my ongoing problems since the incident, and once the claim was processed I was sent through a variety of medical departments for a full diagnostic. I take anti-inflammatory meds for a long time for other problems, but it sure has not helped my arm. Some things to consider when you are discussing your options with a surgeon is the length of recovery time following surgery (likely to be months), consider time to return to work (also consider whether it it possible for you to return to light duties at work). There is compromise of the subacromial space with impression on the underlying torn supraspinatus. The blue arrows indicate a full-thickness tear in the supraspinatus tendon, the most common location for rotator cuff tears. that can be just as difficult to resolve as any structural injury. Pain continued and got worse. @DrMikeM: Well, I'm 3 months post injury and still in a tremendous amount of discomfort and pain. I have not returned back. If tendon tears (including small tears) have not responded to conservative (non-surgical) treatments or recovered naturally after a few months, then surgery is often considered. Just got my MRI report back on right shoulder and wanted to know if you could shed some light on it. With full thickness tears the entire tendon has separated or torn from the bone. I slept in a recliner for about 2 1/2 months following surgery (I don't think I slept at all before surgery :) ). There is no question that the word 'small' can be misleading regarding the amount of pain and discomfort that a supraspinatus tendon tear can cause. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. A full rupture will require surgery (usually quite urgently). If you get a chance please let us know how you go. You may find it interesting to note that a prior subacriomial decompression is not necessarily an indication that future surgery to address other injuries or further biomechanical problems will not be successful. Also now taking Tylenol 500 with5 hydrocodone. So a second opinion may not always yield the same advice (even though both surgeons may be giving appropriate advice based on their own circumstances and information). This may give you relief, even if you have been getting symptoms for a few years. When I visit my DR. what are the thing I need to be aware for the diagnostic? Hey DrMikeM doin some research and came across your sight and thought I'd add my two cents. I do not want a metal shoulder. There is longitudinal split in the subscapularis tendon which extends from the humeral attachment to the musculotendinous junction. I have lost about 45+% of my ROM in my right arm. Based on the information you have provided above, I would say there are several structures that could potentially be causing this ongoing problem, of which a supraspinatus tendon tear is one (but is difficult to speculate without a physical examination / seeing the MRI etc. I. report .This happen 9 weeks ago , my shoulder is still sores I am going for phisio, messages and still no progess,does that mean I will need surgery,or will it heel by it self. You may still be able to return to most or all of the things you enjoy it just may not be in the next 6 to 9 months though. Some surgeons will prescribe a slightly different post-operative rehabilitation program depending on the nature of the injury and precise surgery performed. Hope that helps. Rotator cuff exercises are often prescribed for people with a partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon. Good luck with it! Similarly, some benefit from conservative approaches (physical therapy / injections etc. The supraspinatus tendon was assessed at its insertion by moving the transducer anteriorly, where the bony landmarks were the greater tuberosity laterally and the junction of the tendon footprint and articular cartilage of the humerus medially, 2 mm posterior to the long head of biceps. I went to one orthopedic doctor and he immediately said surgery is my only option. I am sorry I am unable to provide any specific advice over the internet without conducting a physical examination etc. Small to moderate glenohumeral joint effusion. If you give PT a go, make sure you follow their instructions and specific techniques for the exercises they give you (most likely to strengthen your rotator cuff). labra are not evaluated 4. Generally speaking, do small tears need surgical repair? The supraspinatus is part of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. If surgery is not indicated, your doctor should be able to refer you to a physical therapist who will likely assess your shoulder movement and be able to provide you with a tailored program to help strengthen your rotator cuff. I did PT around December for a month, twice a week. Arthroscopy 1993;9(2): 195-200. Good luck with the recovery (I know slings can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but the weeks will pass quickly)! Dr. Burks explains what the injury is and when to . It might be best to get an opinion from your orthopedic specialist sooner rather than later (if possible)! Arthroscopy 1994;10(5):518-523. OpenStax College (CC 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons. However, I can just mention some general information that may be of interest. @anonymous: Hi Bobby, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Conditioning Program, Rotator Cuff Tears: Frequently Asked Questions, Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises. Without seeing the scan or conducting a physical examination, I can only offer some general comments in response. Copyright 1995-2021 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Can a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus heal without surgery? Also can I try a more Conservative approach and see a phy therapist that specializes in shoulders before any surgery. Her MRI shows a full thickness tear of supraspinatus tendon and a tear of the majority of the infraspinatus tendon (with a few lower infraspinatus fibers still attached). My question to you is why can they not try to repair the rotator cuff using a graft of somesort. As you have correctly identified, there is quite a long recovery period following surgical repairs of rotator cuff injuries, but on the other hand, there is a pretty good success rate among people who follow the post-operative instructions. It sounds like you have several concerning symptoms there. Another subtle point of interest is that the first surgeon was not saying that the MRI was wrong (pictures generally don't lie, although sometimes image quality is poor), but that he disagrees with the report prepared by the radiologist. Approximately 1% of the adult population will have shoulder pain at some point in their lives. You mentioned rotator cuff and tendonosis like they were different things. There are also non-surgical treatment options that orthopedic surgeons may consider for degenerative acromioclavicular changes, supraspinatus tendinopathy and subacromial bursitis. I say promising because work in basic science and animal studies have demonstrated some quite promising findings. Front view (left) and overhead view (right) of the tendons that form the rotator cuff. Because of the return of the recent pain, another MRI was ordered and the Radiologist wrote: "1. Surgical repair can often be . They usually present as a sharp pain at the outside or front of the shoulder, particularly with arm elevation (raising the arm to the side or front). Your orthopedic specialist will be able to give you advice about the best option for your circumstances. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your interesting story. However, there are certainly injuries and structures other than rotator cuff tears that can cause some of the symptoms Tim described above. Waiting until after the delivery of your baby to re-attach the tendon may increase the chance of a poorer outcome (not to mention the difficulty nursing a newborn with only one functional arm). I have about 3" less range reaching up behind my back, but I think some pre-existing tears and arthritis were fixed. pain that gets worse when you lift your arm. If your primary physician has already made the diagnosis, an orthopaedic surgeon can review both surgical and nonsurgical options and start treatment. can be damaged without a dislocation occurring at all, particularly when carry heavy items up ladders or performing repetitious activities. AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. In active individuals who use the arm for overhead work or sports. Do I will need surgery? If you are in doubt, don't be afraid to get a second opinion. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Interstitial hyperintensity is seen within biceps tendon in the . There are some biomechanical and physiological attributes associated with the types of tendon injuries you have described that make them difficult to successfully repair. So while the cost of surgery can be expensive, people who can't do their job one-handed may also need to consider potential loss of income as well or making alternative work arrangements. I also have no insurance and don't know about surgery. Twenty-one of the 70 partial-thickness tears were not rim-rent tears: there were nine (12.9%) tears in the critical zone, 10 (14.3%) interstitial tears, and two (2.9%) bursal-sided tears. Rotator Cuff Tears: Surgical Treatment Options. It was a small rotator cuff tear. If in doubt, don't be afraid to ask Ortho doc #2 about any questions or concerns you might have. Good luck! I am sorry I can't give you specific advice but here is some general information that may be useful to you. It sounds like the damage is fairly minor in my shoulder yet I have a great deal of discomfort and limited ROM 2 1/2 months after my fall. (MRI), demonstrating a full-thickness supraspinatus tear. Grade 1 strain of the lateral deltoid muscle and teres minor muscle. There are a few interesting things worth noting here. I experienced a fall on August 31, 2012. While I cannot comment on your specific case, I am not sure ART (Active Release Techniques) then PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) or Prolotherapy is the approach that is best supported by contemporary scientific evidence for the treatment of supraspinatus tendon tears (or any other rotator cuff tear tendon tear). Good luck with it. Some people will recover quickly without any treatment, other people will recover after commencing non-surgical interventions (such as physical therapy and rotator cuff exercises and / or receiving a steroid injection), while others will still have pain after many months and may require surgery. Ongoing serious pain influencing daily life, sleep etc. Avoiding work above shoulder height can sometimes avoid aggravating the pain. Most people who I have seen with whiplash (albeit usually from motor vehicle accidents more than falls) tend to notice a great deal of improvement over the first few weeks, but some have symptoms that persist. @will-nelson-790693: Hi Will, Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience. If you do opt for surgery. This has caused thickening and abnormal signal in the supraspinatus tendon consistent with tendinopathy and/or a partial tear. Must also have to bring the arm back with my other arm if I am lying and have the arm overheadwhich now longer will lie flat on the floor if it is overhead.It has been recommende to do ART then PRP and possibly prolotherapy. I here is incidental note made that the teres minor muscle is prominently atrophic. Thankyou. Does the fact that it mentions there is some retraction mean the tendon is completely torn or is it possible it is only partly torn. MRI). Supraspinatus tears are often accompanied by adjacent structural deficits. Moderate subacromial/sub deltoid bursitis. I now am having surgery but is it safe to have with whiplash symptoms. If it has been a while since the MRI, this may involve getting another one (as tendinosis can weaken the tendon, which may in turn lead to larger tears or even a complete rupture), it may also involve a trial of PT or a referral directly to an orthopedic surgeon. Fluid signal anterior to the proximal humerus as well as within the sucoracoid bursa. It did manage to decrease my overall pain but I still feel like I'm suffering unnecessarily. The supraspinatus tendon has a tendency to weaken with age and become prone to tendon tears. Sorry I can't give you specific advice over the internet, but it sounds like your shoulder specialist will be able to give you good personalized advice on Tues. The recovery after surgical tendon repairs often takes longer than recovering from broken bones. I did this as instructed, but, to little improvement. I hope your shoulder has now recovered! I've seen musicians and artists with poor shoulder function be able to perform their art as well as they did before their injury; sometimes through making some adaptations, but other times almost no adaptation was required (depending on their technique / instrument / art etc.). Following the post-surgery protocol will help minimize the chance of a poor outcome and further problems. All the best. The major tear causes separation of muscle or tendon into two torn segment of muscles or tendons. @anonymous: Oh Tonia, I feel for you. I have continued to have problems with my arm and initially was told that I had a partial tear of my rotator cuff. infraspinatus tendon had full-thickness tear . I am 60 years old and do not want surgery but if it helps to stop it getting worse as I get older I will have to. The tear may be a partial or full thickness tear. but unfortunately, the results were extremely minor. I have also been doing the pendulum exercise as prescribed and figured walking with the sling off would be no more risky to the staples. Hi there. Many people will recover after receiving treatment from a physiotherapist (or physical therapist in USA). The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their associated tendons that originate from locations on the scapula and insert onto the humeral head. A rotator cuff tear can result from an injury such as a fall or heavy lifting, or from normal wear-and-tear and repetitive activities over many years. Also an ex ray of my shoulder "Demonstrate my humeral head close to abutting my acromion. I left out a bunch of other things that are normal. 50% of symptomatic full-thickness tears progress at 2 years and bigger tears progress faster. Full thickness tears of the rotator cuff are described as small, medium, large or massive (Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10). A complete massive tear of the return of the shoulder joint in order to prevent ongoing. 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