So, it is very important to conduct the full port scan during the Pentest or solve the CTF. Please try to understand each step. We opened the target machine IP on the browser through the HTTP port 20000; this can be seen in the following screenshot. Infosec, part of Cengage Group 2023 Infosec Institute, Inc. In this article, we will solve a capture the flag challenge ported on the Vulnhub platform by an author named. This seems to be encrypted. After that, we tried to log in through SSH. After some time, the tool identified the correct password for one user. Note: The target machine IP address may be different in your case, as the network DHCP assigns it. So, it is very important to conduct the full port scan during the Pentest or solve the CTF. As we can see below, we have a hit for robots.txt. HackTheBox Timelapse Walkthrough In English, HackTheBox Trick Walkthrough In English, HackTheBox Ambassador Walkthrough In English, HackTheBox Squashed Walkthrough In English, HackTheBox Late Walkthrough In English. 17. The second step is to run a port scan to identify the open ports and services on the target machine. In the screenshot given below, we can see that we have run Netdiscover, which gives us the list of all the available IP addresses. javascript However, we have already identified a way to read any files, so let us use the tar utility to read the pass file. I have tried to show up this machine as much I can. CTF Challenges Empire: LupinOne Vulnhub Walkthrough December 25, 2021 by Raj Chandel Empire: LupinOne is a Vulnhub easy-medium machine designed by icex64 and Empire Cybersecurity. Askiw Theme by Seos Themes. "Writeup - Breakout - HackMyVM - Walkthrough" . kioptrix So, we used to sudo su command to switch the current user as root. In the screenshot given below, we can see that we have run Netdiscover, which gives us the list of all the available IP addresses. So I run back to nikto to see if it can reveal more information for me. This step will conduct a fuzzing scan on the identified target machine. Below we can see that we have inserted our PHP webshell into the 404 template. This was my first VM by whitecr0wz, and it was a fun one. We have WordPress admin access, so let us explore the features to find any vulnerable use case. The content of both the files whoisyourgodnow.txt and cryptedpass.txt are as below. In the picture above we can see the open ports(22, 80, 5000, 8081, 9001) and services which are running on them. Other than that, let me know if you have any ideas for what else I should stream! Let us start the CTF by exploring the HTTP port. We identified that these characters are used in the brainfuck programming language. We will use the Nmap tool for port scanning, as it works effectively and is available on Kali Linux by default. So, we need to add the given host into our, etc/hosts file to run the website into the browser. For hints discord Server ( ). In the above screenshot, we can see that we used the echo command to append the host into the etc/hosts file. Keep practicing by solving new challenges, and stay tuned to this section for more CTF solutions. structures We ran some commands to identify the operating system and kernel version information. Now that we know the IP, lets start with enumeration. . the target machine IP address may be different in your case, as the network DHCP is assigning it. We are now logged into the target machine as user l. We ran the id command output shows that we are not the root user. The usermin interface allows server access. However, due to the complexity of the language and the use of only special characters, it can be used for encoding purposes. EMPIRE: BREAKOUT Vulnhub Walkthrough In English - Pentest Diaries Home Contact Pentest Diaries Security Alive Previous Next Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. This is the second in the Matrix-Breakout series, subtitled Morpheus:1. vulnhub Until then, I encourage you to try to finish this CTF! hacksudo << ffuf -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -e .php,.txt -fc 403 >>. Command used: << wpscan url http://deathnote.vuln/wordpress/ >>. By default, Nmap conducts the scan on only known 1024 ports. There is a default utility known as enum4linux in kali Linux that can be helpful for this task. Lets look out there. In the /opt/ folder, we found a file named case-file.txt that mentions another folder with some useful information. First, let us save the key into the file. Locate the transformers inside and destroy them. Decoding it results in following string. Our target machine IP address that we will be working on throughout this challenge is, (the target machine IP address). file permissions Breakout Walkthrough. Command used: << nmap -p- -sV >>. So, in the next step, we will start the CTF with Port 80. Your email address will not be published. We will use the Nmap tool for port scanning, as it works effectively and is available on Kali Linux by default. We opened the target machine IP address on the browser as follows: The webpage shows an image on the browser. Lets use netdiscover to identify the same. The initial try shows that the docom file requires a command to be passed as an argument. Testing the password for admin with thisisalsopw123, and it worked. The scan command and results can be seen in the following screenshot. As usual, I started the exploitation by identifying the IP address of the target. It is linux based machine. The root flag can be seen in the above screenshot. The IP of the victim machine is We clicked on the usermin option to open the web terminal, seen below. shenron The file was also mentioned in the hint message on the target machine. Unlike my other CTFs, this time, we do not require using the Netdiscover command to get the target IP address. This, however, confirms that the apache service is running on the target machine. We got one of the keys! Matrix 2: Vulnhub Lab Walkthrough March 1, 2019 by Raj Chandel Today we are going to solve another Boot2Root challenge "Matrix 2". We decided to download the file on our attacker machine for further analysis. This is the second in the Matrix-Breakout series, subtitled Morpheus:1. So, we did a quick search on Google and found an online tool that can be used to decode the message using the brainfuck algorithm. This completes the challenge. BINGO. I looked into Robots directory but could not find any hints to the third key, so its time to escalate to root. Robot VM from the above link and provision it as a VM. We tried to write the PHP command execution code in the PHP file, but the changes could not be updated as they showed some errors. The Dirb command and scan results can be seen below. We used the Dirb tool; it is a default utility in Kali Linux. Author: Ar0xA Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Testing the password for fristigod with LetThereBeFristi! Download the Fristileaks VM from the above link and provision it as a VM. Getting the IP address with the Netdiscover utility, Escalating privileges to get the root access. [CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE]. We identified a few files and directories with the help of the scan. Defeat all targets in the area. "Deathnote - Writeup - Vulnhub . Series: Fristileaks We can employ a web application enumeration tool that uses the default web application directory and file names to brute force against the target system. "Vikings - Writeup - Vulnhub - Walkthrough" Link to the machine:,741/ , Writeup Breakout HackMyVM Walkthrough, on Writeup Breakout HackMyVM Walkthrough,, Method Writeup HackMyVM Walkthrough, Medusa from HackMyVM Writeup Walkthrough, Walkthrough of Kitty from HackMyVM Writeup, Arroutada Writeup from HackMyVM Walkthrough, Ephemeral Walkthrough from HackMyVM Writeup, Moosage Writeup from HackMyVM Walkthrough, Vikings Writeup Vulnhub Walkthrough, Opacity Walkthrough from HackMyVM Writeup. Description: A small VM made for a Dutch informal hacker meetup called Fristileaks. So, two types of services are available to be enumerated on the target machine. After executing the above command, we are able to browse the /home/admin, and I found couple of interesting files like whoisyourgodnow.txt and cryptedpass.txt. We used the ping command to check whether the IP was active. However, upon opening the source of the page, we see a brainf#ck cypher. Please Note: I have used Oracle Virtual Box to run the downloaded machine for all of these machines. Please disable the adblocker to proceed. Walkthrough 1. We download it, remove the duplicates and create a .txt file out of it as shown below. We added another character, ., which is used for hidden files in the scan command. Port 80 is being used for the HTTP service, and port 22 is being used for the SSH service. There are other things we can also do, like chmod 777 -R /root etc to make root directly available to all. First, we need to identify the IP of this machine. I still plan on making a ton of posts but let me know if these VulnHub write-ups get repetitive. So, we collected useful information from all the hint messages given on the target application to login into the admin panel. We read the .old_pass.bak file using the cat command. Download the Mr. We are going to exploit the driftingblues1 machine of Vulnhub. VM LINK:, We opened the target machine IP address on the browser. Krishna Upadhyay on Vikings - Writeup - Vulnhub - Walkthrough February 21, 2023. Let us start the CTF by exploring the HTTP port. It also refers to checking another comment on the page. This is fairly easy to root and doesnt involve many techniques. Symfonos 2 is a machine on vulnhub. Here, I wont show this step. The output of the Nmap shows that two open ports have been identified Open in the full port scan. We will be using as the attackers IP address. 11. Name: Empire: Breakout Date release: 21 Oct 2021 Author: icex64 & Empire Cybersecurity Series: Empire Download Back to the Top Please remember that VulnHub is a free community resource so we are unable to check the machines that are provided to us. remote command execution You play Trinity, trying to investigate a computer on the Nebuchadnezzar that Cypher has locked everyone else out from, which holds the key to a mystery. After running the downloaded virtual machine in the virtual box, the machine will automatically be assigned an IP address from the network DHCP. I am using Kali Linux as an attacker machine for solving this CTF.

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