And the reason why is because as the company grows, the level of complexity is so high. We occupy 3 floors of a building in Bangalore's Diamond. They have to be painful for it to mean something in the organization. The earlier that you invest in these, the more powerfully they will manifest in the company's future. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. All the time. What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. The content in this post has been approved by Gojek.. Yeah. If you liked it, please hit like, subscribe and follow us on social media. Nadiem: Right. For us at That's exactly the, the, you know, the concept of not being able to have agency or control over your thing when you know that you are capable, that's a difference. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. The Wisdom List: Kevin Aluwi. Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Twitter. Today, we're gonna talk a little bit about some things that matter very much personally to us in terms of the philosophy of building a long term sustainable successful business. Like I've seen this be a pretty consistent theme where you know, I'm always shocked when I hear the amount of effort and depth a lot of your leaders I've seen in many other companies put into their people put in to their organization that don't have like payoffs this week or next month or might be at best to be something like, oh, next quarter, you know, this is going to be great. Company Type For Profit. If you just set from top down that, that direction without actually taking in the feedback and inputs of each of those key leads under you, I think that's where the beginning of the end, you know, like that's where you start losing credibility, you start losing trust and you start losing motivation. Investment Stage Late Stage Venture. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. Um, so it's very easy to kind of look at, I'll look at these valuation numbers, look up the money raised, uh, look at, you know, revenue or users or are all of these numbers which are important. So if what you're saying, what you're sacrificing is not painful, then I think that there's something wrong there that you should reassess again. It is an actual, you know, tradeoffs that you have to make and some of the trade offs you're asking about the trade offs, what's the risk of doing it, things like that. About Clan Culture: A clan culture is people-focused in the sense that the company feels family-like. Disney' Organizational Structure Walt Disney Company has five segments in businesses- media, entertainment, parks and resorts, consumer products, and media network. Right. 7. It's all fun and Games until you get that decision wrong. I don't know why suddenly I'm so much more Kevin: Right? So make those painful moves early. I think actually these two parts or these two themes actually almost go hand in hand in that sense. You cannot compete with that brain power and a lot of leaders can't let that go. Because we know the risks you slowed down. It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. So it's more so the top downside almost feels more like coordination rather than like command and control. And then I left after a while, right? Kevin: Yeah, totally. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. It's about being the best at what truly matters, which is about a focus. What we did was we invited all the groups together so that peers could challenge and review and we had a whole section of how they can help the issues that they can help with for other groups. And what's the difference between thought leadership and just being really good at execution? Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. This has been a contentious kind of battle. Like I think maybe bottom up innovation is a very specific one. Like you, you need these self-driven individuals who are proactively finding the solution as opposed to simply executing it. The CEO of Gojek shares his lessons of creating a principled culture, managing organizational debt, and building true moats. See? Nadiem: Yeah. Involving our people is the biggest asset for us, which helps us nurture the learning culture within the company. Yeah. There's people who are not confident enough in their capabilities and yeah, sure, they would like to be told what to do. Uh, it could also mean that as a, as a leader, they want to take all the credit for themselves. Right. Kevin: Yeah. Massive moats. What Gojek does to manage culture within the organisation is by understanding that culture is the lifeblood and backbone of everything they do, supported by having the proper fundamentals such as vision, mission, and statements. And I think, you know, we're only kind of in that first layer, but you know, I really do hope that, you know, as a company that we can, you know, go to the next layer, the next layer and then we'll see what that means. Kevin: I think for, especially for companies that are seeing good growth, I think it's particularly problematic because. Semakin baik organizational culture yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan, maka kian mudah pula meraih kesuksesan. 2019 is really about the how. But without that process, we wouldn't have known. Nadiem: How are you? But I think really having that mindset of being, thinking about, you know, what are the things that really matter and what are the things that don't matter, even though I kind of feel like I should be doing them right? Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 02:26. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. It's like, okay, if I am the leader here, I am the most senior person within this group of other people and I am not the one who's coming up with the ideas and I am not the one that's getting credit for making the right calls or coming up with the right ideas, then what is my value? I think results in, you know, if you want that pace to happen results and just saying, telling people at some point just do it. Nadiem: like it creates these moats. So for, you know, if you kind of went through that whole thing you know, that this is, this is your idea, this is your baby. Awards and recognitions Winner, UN Women 2020 Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles awards. This meta-analysis, which comprises 43 studies with a combined sample size of 6341 organizations, reveals that Quinn and Rohrbaugh's Competing Values Framework provides a meaningful structure for the ideational aspects of organizational culture. Copy link. GoFood becomes the world's most helpful and user-friendly app during the pandemic. It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. I can't, I can't tell you how many times. Then you know, it's kind of hard being in a tech company. This ownership gives everyone responsibility to put their best and gives meaning to daily work. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. And how did you feel? You're helping with this, you're responsible for that. I think the habit of just like, hey, like, let's do this. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. Pay Off. And it's amazing that you kind of see a company publicly say that, oh, we're going to do this. Either way, it makes engagement and collaboration difficult, because nobody empathises with an ideal. Nadiem: Like they want to be the best at recommendations. We like to talk about things we like and talk about things we don't like. So if you're, if you, if you don't have that mental resilience to know that your baby could be irrelevant, yeah. Let's have these explicit conversations. Like what should they do and, and what would you give them credit for? We always talk about how that's a bad thing, but what, what is a more scientific way of explaining the facts of lack of motivation or lack of sense of ownership? Nadiem: It's not how quickly they get it done. GET allows me to have initiative and be creative. Right. Kevin: I think for me, I agree with everything that you said. How would you approach like, your kind of parenting style with respect to this, right. So it's funny, it's almost the same thing. So in 2019, there's three specific strategic themes that GOJEK has that represent our longterm investments. However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. Transform your company culture, cultivate your people and help retain the highest performing talent. Strong Communication and teamwork trans-sectored is wanted in the Corporate Culture at Google. It is the only company in southeast asia that is included in fortune 's 50 companies that changed the world in 2017 and 2019, ranked at 17 and 11, respectively. So keeping it real is kind of our mantra. Corporate culture reflects the values, beliefs, and attitudes that permeate a business. Should we go one by one and talk about it? For me I always find it non ideal when I work with somebody who I know has, you know, several direct reports and if I work closely with them if I never kind of, you know, if I never really hear either directly from or at least a mention of, you know, somebody else's, um, really significant contribution to the team that's a flag for me. Kevin: Yeah. Right. A Trusted Advisor. Series F funding from Google, Tencent, and Mitsubishi. This thing that I've been doing for a while actually doesn't really matter. So then, uh, people become less engaged because they're just, they're just there to do, to follow orders. So when I go and say, Hey, can you do this? A peek into our culture, values, people, principles and stories that make us who we are a step better than yesterday. Registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia. It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? An organizational structure is a visual representation of what employees do, who they report to, and how business decisions are made. Right? And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. Ranked #11 on Fortunes top 50 companies that changed the world. Okay. Right? Right? And you instantly saw the energy in the room whereby it wasn't just leader saying, oh, I like that. Uh, what is obviously the, that, that, that ownership. This is one thing that I think all companies, including ourselves are consistently terrible at consistently. Many companies seek to create cultures that are productive and foster a positive work environment. Nadiem: yeah, when, when things are bad, you have to, yeah. So we've cracked that we need to first bottom up individual. Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? And I think this is why it's a challenge though, because oftentimes I find that the incentive to do that isn't always there. and the free food and food corners, Google encourage the "Googlers" to communicate extensively within the organization. Kevin: Yeah, it's the how, right? Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. We just did. Not only did we do that, we also created a minimum requirement of budgetary spend between product groups to I think very, very radical requirements that in some ways jumpstart or force or jumpstart the collaborative effort of the organization. You name it we do it. And that just doesn't work. Oh, I love this feature. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. It is possible to create organizational structures that are tailored to the needs of specific businesses and industries based on functions, markets, products, geographies, or processes. Thought leadership means actually thinking on your own two feet and being able to come up with solutions that are better than whatever your boss tells you. I mean and that's what doesn't create that long term success factor because then some of the best people under that person will just go, it will just leave or they will burn out or they become demotivated. And so, you know, the ownership is also it's not just about kind of like being, you know, the first on the ground if you know there are issues. And I think these are the things that very often organizations are too lazy to invest in upfront because they don't give, there's no instant gratifications here. Even if you're not leading a team, you need to have thought leadership. Um, and I think that's kind of something that even today, I think us as an organization we're still grappling with. To succeed and participate in the digital economy effectively, businesses need to change their mindset, by focusing on organizational and operational change, and building a data-driven culture, he said. Tell us what you want to be the best at. Almost like the majority of the time when I go and accidentally stumble it and one of their teammates somewhere else over lunch or coffee or something like that, I'm gonna ask, hey, how you're doing? Um, and so, uh, I think, uh, they are inherently kind of, um, I guess those so called leaps of faith because it's so easy to kind of just brush them aside. Like, like everyone will agree that yes, absolutely we should do that. The sacrifices I think are what's hard. They have a high bar for hiring, and are heavily invested in tooling, processes and best practices, and train the designers in that. Like the end, Oh, you had all these ideas. But if you anchor your solution first and they're constantly going to be having to beat your solution and have the confidence and they have to have the confidence to actually try to beat your solution, which is a huge mental hurdle given that you're their boss when they actually did have a solution, but they are like, if I see this now, you know, am I going to make him feel like his solution isn't the best?

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