Dogs arent human in the sense that some people anthropomorphise their pets but that nauseating pet lover encourages jealous or possessive behavior that just their dog likes them only because of the way they are intentionally or subliminally raised. I hate how this one barks when someone comes to the door. I dont want to hurt my partner but I know if I say anything the solution may possibly be me moving out. Says it all right there! If you dont agree then thats why youre single. As for the accidents, its no wonder the poor dog is stressed from not only having to hold his urine for so long, but his environment. I feel your pain. Fast forward a few years and quite a bit of work, I moved her away from all of her life threatening habits and got her cleaned up, I bought a house and we now have a child together. Dogs can be wonderful pets, but people dont realize the WORK that goes into having a well adjusted, healthy dog. Hes even been around my parents dogs, including the two big ones before they both died, fussing and playing with the current dogs (three Bichon Frises) so I thought he was happy with dogs and fine around them. I was sleeping with a girlfriend (as in literally sleeping) and the dog was in bed. Who shed heavily and leave pee in the bed and black stuff on the pillows?? Correct his mindset: As a wife/girlfriend, you should be able to correct his mindset. I NEVER let him eat off a plate and my husband is the one who sneaks him scraps under the table. It jumps on dinner table begging for food and has scratched the couch to death( we had to get a new cover for the couch) i tried to accept it and invested my time in training it, it responded and stopped doing the bad things for a while but my husband messed with its brains by deliberately putting her on the couch/bed and giving it treats on the couch inspite of me pleading not to, that the cat has gone back to its despicable behaviour. I agree its not an issue about being rude to an animal its about treating your dog like a dog. He would be so proud that she never messed indoors, but would hate her for tearing down a coat when left home alone. Its been 6 months and Im still not used to things but its the sacrifice weve both had to endure. To add insult to injury, my bf recently got ANOTHER goldendoodle to keep this one company. I remember him bringing home a dilapidated recliner, Because she likes it!, yet when he neighbor offered him sweet corn, he said no and the neighbor said, What about your wife? That was my life. Thank you for your comment, Kat. They come with all their own little quirks and needs and personality traits. My issue with my spouse and his dog is the dog, an animal, usurped me, given higher value, and more cherished than his wife. At this point my husband has basically given up on the dog and all responsibilities are on me. He knows his place in the pecking order. But I cant say/see it that way. She would agree to the boundaries and just like your boyfriend, would be upset and sad that shes punishing the dog by following what she promised to do? If you cant accept that sort of all-encompassing commitment then dont get a dog. Hate the smell of dog full stop. I feel he doesnt care. Did I leave my husband for a dog that he chose? And jetaime, it only gets worse. I never wanted her d*** greyhound and I certainly am not OK with the husky either. But weve started talking about marriage and a life together. So dont place a lot of credibility in that theory either. He obviously has no respect for me. But he doesnt care. I just wish hed been honest about it and not let me go for this long looking forward to realising a dream and then having it shattered. Different breeds were actually bred for different reasons, and its funny because hardly any pet owner actually harnesses that energy and trains their dog what they are bred to do, especially terrier or bully breeds. And he was totally inflexible by saying that he wouldnt give up sleeping with his precious Mesa for anything. I really cant believe how deep it goes. Its important to note these behaviors long predate our relationship: her parents make it clear she has always had issues with valuing her relationship with dogs above people (she does not like cats, or other animals just dogs). Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. Am I just going to have to let this go? They both get on the couch that we recently purchased, are constantly hunting for food to eat, especially Bobbi and crying! Not to mention any future relationships! The hair is floating everywhere and sticking to everything. Omg, I hate that. For four years now he has left me to be in charge of their care knowing full well that I was never a dog person. My husband and I have 5 kids. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! He even expected damages and cleanup to remain my issue. I really do not understand this concept.. the answer of if you were a dog lover.. isnt the answer. They ate grown A%% men. There is NO excuse for a dog that bites a person!!!!! Like I said it would be one thing if they would get up off their rears and help, but they dont. Allowing your dog to do human things is failing that animal in my opinion. I truly love this girl but Im on my way out! Isnt that sad? He claimed to have loved them but his version of a pet and mine are very different and now ive fallen pregnant hes turned into a control freak and if my dogs are within an inch of him he gets annoyed. Shed bark, hed jump while at the same time hed say snide things to me, would compete with me about things, or one up me. So I told Steve that I'm not going to keep being responsible for the dog he begged for and if he can't start getting up earlier and taking responsibility for the dog, then he needs to start looking for a new home for the dog. They are addicted to me. They come out there, put their mouth at the table because we have breakfast food on there and wipe drool on the table (throw up city!) I compromise on everything because of him and he never even bothers to understand me. In real life however, and especially in terms of relationships between humans, there is no quick-acting elixir or love potion to fix relationship woes. Having a dog on your bed in my opinion is very uncleanly. Spend the $50-100 to see a trainer. So, I have to follow him around to make sure hes on the right track. If your dog displays jealous behaviors or treats your spouse poorly, consistency is even more crucial. He thinks his dog is just fine. My boyfriend has 2 dogs. A large part of that is because we were on the same page regarding his behavior and what things we did and did not allow. There are no kill shelters, or maybe you can post pictures of the dog on social media and give him away to a loving home that will make the appropriate time to work on training him. Which I thought unnessasary. He wont eat and acts weird. That causes quite a disturbance as my BF focuses carries on and gets all stressed out. I think when someone treats animals badly they have no problem treating people badly as well. You and your boyfriend need to sit down and have a discussion about the compromises you will both make. If someone wants to to change/abandon such a big part of your life it is a huge wake up call. But, after several discussion I caved for the husky to be in the living room spring on the couch. Experience has taught me that there ate underlying issues and the pet is the easy scapegoat to people not in touch with themselves or those who areare control freaks or cowards. My mother in law had 2 dogs & before she died asked my husband to take care of the dogs. My husband was a traveler and barely home so he insisted I get a cat(I am a cat lover, he is a dog lover). You need to talk to your husband about this and stop caving on things because thats not going to make a healthy household. I am 32, and this dog will probably live another 3-5 years. My wife decided to get a dog even after I told her I didnt want one because they need more social time than cats and the interruptions would be bad for me and our marriage. Im honestly so angry, what is even more frustrating is he sees no problem with this at all, Im starting to think I will never change his opinion and he will never compromise. I have been very tolerant of this dog and she has been understanding about no longer having it in her bed or on the furniture, this was agreed upon before I moved in. Thank you so much for writing back. Ive had pest all my life, but raised in a very particular family where our pets were taught obedience. WE are all including animals, dogs creatures. Its good that there are normal dog owners like you. Besides her annoying habits such as constantly licking the floor, and herself, scratching any closed doors whenever she feels like it, etc, she was allowed by my husband to sleep in bed with us, even during my pregnancy while the smell of her would make me sick. Occasionally if she was let inside too long with out going potty she would have an accident or knock over the trash.. Not him. Im tired of fighting over her. Because Im usually the one home first, given that my working hours start way earlier than my wife. We got a puppy at the beginning of last summer and he had gotten quite large by now. Thank you for listening and understanding. Here are other signs the dog will exhibit if it is prone to separation anxiety. Well 3 months ago a rescue needed a home and she looked just like my old dog..I couldnt help it. You can love them and even have them live inside but they must be obedient and not treated like a human or hold precedence over them. Tying the damn creature to a pole doesnt help, because the stupid creature keeps trying to kill itself on the leash as it tries to struggle out of it. I actually wanted to leave in the very beginning, but tried to make it work. I dont know what to do! Wanted to make my partner happy. A year on and he works full time and he cant take dog with him, I work from home so I look after both dogs, sometimes my partner doesnt even take them for walks in the evening as hes so tired from work and he gets upset if I dont go for a walk with him ,but its all right for me to walk the dogs during the day by myself. Or am i being unreasonable and mean for not wanting to live in a situation like that? A dog is an animal period, it has no human characteristics!!! No. My last dog and cat slept with me until I realized I was lifting my leg in the middle of the night and wasnt getting very sound sleep. As everyone agrees, this small nip never gonna draw blood. He trained him to use a dog litter box & always kept him in a cage ( big outdoor sized cage that he kept in extra bedroom of his house) bc the dog was never actually house trainedpees everywhere, marks territory all over the place, poops on any rug he sees, charges after people, will bite if anyone touches his ears, will actually lay in his littler box full of pee & poop.the definition of nasty & disgusting! My three year old son has been bitten twice also with bleeding wounds. Im not sure how much more of this I will be able to tolerate :-(. Destructiveness is also one of the main reasons why some people need to get rid of their dogs. I told her they dont love you because they lack human thought to love. Etc so then he began to trash my 5 year old Boston terrier that has been inside my home and never been an outside dog unless I put her out in a lead in a nice day to get exercise.. If you are unable to do so, the dog will be rehomed as this is a fair reason. My dog DOES sleep on my bed. I have to add that we have had many sit down talks about my feelings and lack of help, he does good for a day, then slacks, we comminicate very well, however when it comes to the dogs, he just does not even try to meet me half way at full commitmance of efforts to break the habbits; i just dont under stand the disconnect. Ive have talked to my son about not chasing the dog cause itll scare him, we cant play to rough around the dog, its gotten to the poijt where my son has to very cautiously ask if he can pet him! . For some reason it finally got through to him and said he was sorry for everything that has happened and told me that at the end of the day I am more important than a dog and that he never wanted me to feel alone. When shes in her kennel for the night, she whines, when you tell her to lay down she whines, when my boyfriend leaves she goes hysterical. I could not reconcile my image of him with such a barbaric act. It doesnt matter how strongly your spouse clings to this decision. Im getting ready to go back to work and I dread what I will come home to. I have asked my parents if they wish to foster my baby as i know he will be happy there provided That theyv always treated our dogs like kids. I cant deal with this dog anymore but my boyfriend wont even consider finding another better home for her. The second issue is our puppy. I said I knew he wasnt keen on yappy, exuberant dogs but having seen him fuss and cuddle my parents dogs and my friends puppy, how could I think he was scared of them? Thank you for being so real. Spray some in the dogs mouth so she knows what it tastes like, then spray it on whatever you dont want her to chew. Thought if I could help train, it would turn out okay. Most importantly, never sell yourself short and allow yourself to be second best. To add to the complications, we are unable to have children, I have come to terms with this after 8 years of disappointment, he has not found it so easy. is at least considering moving on. Am i in the wrong? Thats ridiculous. (Not as in physically harming, I dont hit people, but as in literally just touching). As for your girlfriends nightmare of a dog???? The mistake that people make is treating animals like a child. Let me be clear he picked out the dog, it was his idea, and he was very emotional about it. Hire a dog trainer: Since these people can solve the heavy barking issue within a short amount of time, I highly recommend doing so. So I am left with training the dog, feeding her, taking her out etc..and Training her has been very hard on me. They dont love like humans and its unhealthy for both dog and owner to be apart of that carp. Divorce him. Clothes included. Compromise. I get infuriated thinking about it. Dogs do not fail us, we fail the. I can not have anything nice because this dog will destroy it. Just because he states its all shes known her whole life doesnt mean that she isnt supposed to learn. Lots of daily time and not a penny spared. I do not hate my girlfriends dog I am just worried about our relationship because she works so much its hard for her to start taking the steps to end the anxiety and fear and because she was wrongly crate trained as punishment its impossible to rewire the dogs brain to thinking its a safe haven. worse the way he thinks or trys to lie that his behavior wasnt that bad, or shes just a dog and will get over it. Then you can adjust the procedure that needs to follow based on the requirements stated by the dog behaviorist. I can sympathize with your situation and its too bad you are going through all this drama over the dogs. He is abusing your dog and youre letting him. Waterfowl hunting and having a dog is too core to his personal needs to be an option. So I am dealing with a situation with my husband agreeing on taking care of his brothers dog for a YEAR as he and his family gallivant across Europe, without consulting with his entire family. Ridiculous. So we decided to take action and ask our landlord to have her live with us, the landlord said yes. we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. I dont know you but I do know that nobody deserves to be treated like this: its time to move on. So sorry youre going through this like you said, its not the dogs fault, its the HUMANS fault! Supervising: You need to take the responsibility to supervise your kids and watch all the time not to play with the dog until your dog trainer recommends doing so. I pay half the house payment too, so I should have the right to let my dog out of his area and pet on him when I want.let the negative comments begin. Like at dinner we have had so many arguments because he wants me to make the dog a plate, at his parents house the dog eats first, literally,,, then people can eat. Climbing into a bed of pet fur stinking like a rank dog is disgusting! I make a point of saying, babe I dont like him on the bed and he jumps on the defensive side every bloody time! My god the hair. Some of these comments are down right selfish and show a complete lack of understanding of relationships. We often see this problem between newlyweds and boyfriend and girlfriend couples. His house is small and we live in rural America. How I cant stand his dog. Giving priority to the dog over the husband. Issues with an introduction: Sometimes, the issue with the introduction to other pets. In approximately three weeks I am leaving my four plus year toxic marriage. for instance a rat terrier I knew would boss her human around by not obeying or listening to her humans half hearted commands. You would not be the ah for getting rid of the bf. Its causing me anxiety when ever I come home. Then invest some money in a dog trainer, and they know exactly what to do. So then we bought a tether type thing to chain her up. I dont not give a monkey to be honest. So over time, I became very resentful and frustrated! He was very controlling. My neatness has turned to total anxiety. A person chuckles when they first see him. I understand. They can marry their damn dogs! Especially as a newlywed, a midlife remarriage, I found the dog was the alpha of the two of them. Because he does put the family and its safety first. I have a king size bed so Im not even aware of him as he pretty much sleeps at the foot of the bed. He also lets get do whatever the hell she wants and rewards her for bad behavior, leaving it up to me to discipline her when she does something wrong. Im in shock & feel like hes stuck a knife right through my heart & sincerely hope that the wound will heal on day. Dog doesnt know a kennel. Im not allowed to touch her without she makes some kind of complaint about pain or period issues, no sex since i had a versectomy as she wanted to come off the pill. Doesnt see our kids. I dont see this with her and her dog. If your partner is not over their ex, you may feel their lack of commitment in your relationship. Its just nasty and gross! It requires compromise and work. Focus on your relationship and not your furry family stuff. Follow him around to make a healthy household idea, and this dog anymore but boyfriend. My life, but would hate her for tearing down a coat when home! With a girlfriend ( as in literally sleeping ) and the dog will if. Decided to take action and ask our landlord to have to let this go may possibly me... Know that nobody deserves to be treated like this: its time to move on of dogs. With us, the issue with the introduction to other pets is no excuse for a dog disgusting. 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