The Vatsalya paper demonstrating that high-dose thiamine tamps down the Th-17 pro-inflammatory process believed to be associated with the COVID-19 cytokine storm has now been published in a peer reviewed journal, Frontiers in Pharmacology. The rationale for avoiding steroids in non-critically ill COVID-19 patients is discussed in the September 2, 2020 World Health Organization guidelines on the use of corticosteroids for COVID-19. Feb 28, 2023 9:52 AM, B2 Digital Announces Global Launch of B2 SPORTS NETWORK on Apple TV The protocol, I-RECOVER, is based on the group's . She had worried that her healthy but overweight sibling, he told me, was a prime candidate for trouble. At the height of his illness, Nick James could not breathe, fainted twice at home, and his sister momentarily could find no pulse. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. model. My understanding of thiamine and its potential application to COVID-19 grows out of research I have been doing into a rare disease that affects my daughter. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. My lungs were burning until I took famotidine.. This doctor is awesome and he is teaching me (and I am understanding), so much. We have a very limited supply, the doctor told him. I called a company inIndia, If covid hit, our writer was ready, having bookmarked this, Omicron is clearly a game-changer. Daily practices: Frequent gargling and nasal rinse. I feel like I would not be here if it wasnt for her, Nick James said. I was already doing it. You have the very best medical videos. So, when he tested positive for covid last week, he asked his personal physician about government-approved early treatments such as monoclonal antibodies, paxlovid, and molnupiravir. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dexamethasone 0.5 mg three times a day for 2 days then two times a day for 2 days then once a day for 2 days (can also substitute other low dose steroids if need be like prednisone 5mg). Dr. Richard Horowitz, a Lyme disease-turned-covid practitioner, treats aggressively, especially when youre talking about 50 percent of the people with mild or no symptoms getting long covid four weeks later. So does Dr. Ben Marble, who runs I really enjoyed his approach in the short example post. But not thiamine. Many healthy active patients are now wiped out after a few hours of their usual work routine. This is Dr. Bruce Pattersons startup. Dr. Mollie James turned covid around for her brother, Nick James, by treating him at home with high-dose ivermectin for ten days, hydroxychloroquine for five days, a blood thinner, intravenous vitamin C, andthe ultimate breakthrough four days of hyperbaric oxygen treatments. There, Omicron rose and fell fast, obliterating the more fearsome Delta, and leading to far lower rates of hospitalization and death. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Mobeen Syed, CEO and Founder of and DrBeen Online Medical Education. By then, she knew early treatments that workedessential knowledge that is denied today, not by happenstance but by one-size-fits-all vaccine mania. GOVERNMENT The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government March 30, 2021 1. , though preliminary, show these nutraceuticals can prevent or alleviate covid and may be enough to treat mild infections. Thought to work primarily due to its anti-inflammatory effects. I, too, was treated earlybefore the dreaded drop in blood oxygen that drives the untreated to hospitals. He returned to work as an insurance agent in Iowa the next week; she went back to her, In November to late December, Dr. Kory said, I took my foot off the gas pedal and am now getting patients through with just the first-line treatments from our protocolthe combination of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvoxamine. With Delta, I was burning through those and using second-line medicines like, and even third-line medicines like prednisone in almost all patients. Brain fog is a common complaint. But, believing Syed was ineligible, the doctor was unwilling to seek it on his behalf. 2. Long COVID patients are coming out of the woodwork. The most important new data are: (1) a study which found that high-dose thiamine lowers the Th17 cell proinflammatory response believed to be associated with the COVID-19 cytokine storm and (2) data on mortality rates from two medical centers using the MATH+ protocol to treat COVID-19 hospitalized patients. I am not a doctor or a medical professional. Two days ago, I received this text from the New York State Health Department: Anyone 12+ who received their Pfizer second dose at least five months ago is now eligible for a COVID booster. Th17 Response and Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases, International Journal of Inflammation, vol. For months, I had been taking vitamins C andD, zinc,curcumin, and quercetin, along with glutathione and n-acetylcycstine in Horowitz protocol, with benefits Iwrote aboutearly on. For months, I had been taking vitamins C and, , and quercetin, along with glutathione and n-acetylcycstine in Horowitz protocol, with benefits I, When I took sick, I continued these supplements and added a few more from the FLCCC list, including. The U.S. and first-world governments still do not want doctors to treat covid early and are doing all it can to stop them. For example, the authors of the MATH+ scientific review note that the combined administration of thiamine and steroids may help to enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of steroids. When I needed ivermectin most, Walgreens held up my prescription for five crucial days, telling me it was delayed. By the time I got it, I was nearly recovered, thanks to my back-up:mail-order ivermectinfrom India. Id note that these drugs should be taken under supervision of a physician, as I did for my relatively uneventful bout of Covid. Testament to what Syed sees as medicines and governments utter failure to treat, he said the doctor told him approval would be needed from an infectious disease physician. There, Omicron rose and fell fast, obliterating the more fearsome Delta, and leading to far lower rates of hospitalization and death. Be the change you want to see in the world! Critical care physician Dr. Paul Marik speaks with Dr. Mobeen Syed about trends in the management of COVID-19, including what he believes could have wiped out the virus early on The continued recommendation that people stay home and isolate while doing nothing until they're cyanotic, or turning blue from a lack of oxygen, is a disgrace . He was denied ivermectin by a pharmacistbefore getting sick. I went for it. It was available back then to people my age. after watching a sample video of yours i just had to subscribe. Given the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the expected challenges associated with the combined burden of flu and COVID-19 on hospitals this fall and winter, it is important to test all plausible treatment avenues for COVID-19. You must be logged in to give a plus1 award. Like Dr. James, I got covid in late 2021. When I took sick, I continued these supplements and added a few more from the FLCCC list, including nigella sativa, microbe-fighting honey, melatonin, nasal spray and mouthwash. Unfortunately, that may be the only recourse in the face of a de facto early treatment blockade, epitomized by the FDA-CDC horse-pastecampaign. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. But not to worry: where theres a will theres a way out. Dr. Boros said he is making no predictions for the future, while Dr. McCullough said he simply did not know if Omicron will end the pandemic. But its not just generic drugs that are hard to get. I plan to make considerable changes to my clinical practice. A readiness to experiment with dosing and frequency, duration and tapering are mandatory for the best results. So what should patients take if they cannot get ivermectin, I asked Dr. Peter McCullough, a crusader for early, sequential, multi-drug covid treatment? The good news: For the first time in twenty-two months, experts are uttering words we havent heard in answer to the central question: Are we nearing the pandemics end? Most patients just need to find a doctor willing to work with them until they find a cheap therapy that gets them back to healthy. Summary: the FLCCC Alliance in collaboration with Dr Bruce Patterson/Dr Yo and Dr Tina Peers (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) and Dr Mobeen Syed (YouTube educator) have been working for some time on organizing a protocol for long haulers. Every intervention sends the body a message and it is possible to send mixed signals and not get anywhere despite choosing therapeutics that work like a charm when used separately. These presumably work primarily by reversing the microscopic clotting that is brought on by inflammation. At the height of Nick Jamess covid illness, he fainted twice, and his sister, Dr. Mollie James, momentarily could find no pulse. Three U.S. customers told me the company delivered without a problem. Anyone Home? In a large newstudyby researchers from Berkley and Kaiser Permanente, just 1 in 52,272 Omicron patients died, compared to 14 in 16,982 Delta patients. Ultimately, it took high-dose ivermectin for ten days, hydroxychloroquine for five days, a blood thinner, intravenous vitamin C, andthe ultimate breakthroughfour days of hyperbaric oxygen treatments to turn covid around and keep him home. The Malones, who are both in their sixties, were better within about a week. : D. I just watched the info on Diabetes and DKA!! Its been many years since O-Chem for me and still it all came right back. When Dr. Mollie James was infected with covid in March of 2020, she was working in an ICU ward in New York City, the hell of the exploding pandemic. He was denied ivermectin by a pharmacist before getting sick. Some experts are still guarded on covids future. (The company did not respond to three requests for an explanation.). Marbles eight months of anosmia had resolved with the supplement. DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2011.08.018 . #6 The Characteristics of Long COVID: Long Story Mobeen Syed - Podcast I feel like I would not be here if it wasnt for her, Nick James said. FEATURED He graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. But even without such access, I would have known what to do. I checked yall out for free for a couple of hours to see what yall have to offer and the video presentations are excellent, therefore I am a lifetime subscriber from now on, Im a nursing student, I usually use your videos when I want to know more about a particular topic that I dont understand. She had worried that her healthy but overweight sibling, he told me, was a prime candidate for trouble. At the height of his illness, Nick James could not breathe, fainted twice at home, and his sister momentarily could find no pulse. Omicron is clearly a game-changer. InnerScope Hearing Technologies (OTC: INND) Launches HearingAssist Brand of FDA-Registered OTC Rechargeable Hearing Aids on 30 milligrams daily, based on 0.4 milligrams per kilogram. Because of this most physicians advise patients not exercise until symptoms have fully resolved. Last week, a nurse in Virginia shared a voice message with me from a United Parcel Service agent, demanding a prescription and foreign passport before delivering ivermectin and fluvoxamine from India.

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